New Mexico Elk Hunt Unit 16E
Jul 8, 2015 · 16E 2nd Archery Elk I spent the last 6 days of the 2nd archery season in the Unit. The muzzleloader hunt should be awesome, using a muzzleloader is almost cheating. We called good bulls into my lap everyday of the hunt 300"-330". The upper end bulls were bugling but noncommittal. They should be cranked up for the muzzleloader though.
New Mexico Elk Hunt Unit 16E | Page 2 | Hunt Talk
May 23, 2020 · Two more weeks and leaving for an New Mexico unit 16E muzzleloader elk hunt. Anyone out there been in the area recently and have any good sightings . Plan on carrying everything on my back and hiking in. Last reports were good moisture this year and lots of grass. Anyone out there have any advice or pointers I sure would be appreciative.
NM Elk Hunting. 16E - Hunt Talk
Jan 19, 2020 · Last time I was in that country helping a buddy on a late season hunt a few years ago. The BLM that touches 16C/16E/21B looked like a tent/camper city. It was unbelievable. If you avoided this area I would imagine your hunt would be enjoyable.
Unit 16e new mexico - Hunt Talk
May 20, 2012 · 16E 1st archery elk. First off, this is a solid unit where most bulls harvested seem to be in the 280" to 310" range. There are a couple of monsters in the unit every year, but last year was awful. Here's my thoughts on the unit and I spend a lot of time in the area. Access: The most challenging aspect of "E".
New Mexico 16B - Hunt Talk
Aug 12, 2009 · I am applying for a New Mexico rifle hunt. Gila National Forest. Options are 16A, 16B, 16C,16D and 16E. Timing options are Oct 11-15 OR Oct 18-22. Currently I'm leaning more toward unit 16B (which also allows unit 22). HERE IS MY QUESTION.....does anyone know how many out of state...
NM Elk Unit 16C Hunt Success
Jan 31, 2012 · Well guys I finally drew a New Mexico Elk bull tag in Unit 16C October 16-20th. Been applying for some time now, and it happened. Now this is my first elk bull hunt, and super pumped to do this hunt in unit 16C. I did a cow elk hunt last year in Wyoming with a party and it was blast. I'm a...
New Mexico Unit 17 - Hunt Talk
Apr 13, 2012 · We have 2 newer Conservation Officers here. Troy Wood lives in Quemado,but has Datil area which is 17,13,16e and others. I have talked to him several times & he is OK in my book. I am helping scout for his wife's deer hunt & his elk hunt,as I have same general area for a muley & they are new here. PM me & I will give you his #.
NM GMU 16 Muleys - Hunt Talk
May 10, 2012 · If you hunted 17 for deer last year, you can pretty much expect the same in terms of low deer numbers and country in the 16s. The Gila's deer herds are in absolutely poor condition and mature deer are extremenly hard to come by in the 16s. I would focus my efforts on the South and East facing slopes in 16E and 16C, wherever you can find them.
State Lands - Hunt Talk
May 27, 2019 · Few years back while hunting in (16e) Catron, I spent a good part of the day looking up land ownership thru Catron county tax assessor office website. I had to use the Township and range info from NM tate Land office to pin point who owned what. I coded my BLM maps with this info.
NM Unit 16 Gila - Hunt Talk
Jul 27, 2016 · Drew Unit 16 Muzzleloader for FAD. This will be my first time ever hunting the Gila. Very excited! I really want to take advantage of this unit with the limit of vehicles and pack in far and push the limits. Any tips? Was somewhat leaning towards areas 16A&B. Mogollon Baldy Peak and south...