THE 17 GOALS - Sustainable Development
At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership.
Goal 17 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Target 17.1: 2022 data from approximately 130 countries show that globally, government revenue accounts for approximately 33% of GDP. The average overall tax burden or revenue in the …
*rdo (qvxuh khdowk\ olyhv dqg surprwh zhoo ehlqj iru doo dw doo djhv 7dujhw %\ uhgxfh wkh joredo pdwhuqdo pruwdolw\ udwlr wr ohvv wkdq shu
| Sustainable Development
17 Objectif 17. Renforcer les moyens de mettre en œuvre le Partenariat mondial pour le développement durable et le revitaliser.
Goal 17 is critically important for the achievement of the SDG framework. The means of implementation goal must focus on the key drivers of - and removal of main obstacles to -
Transforming!our!world:!the!2030!Agenda!for!Sustainable!Development! + +! ! Preamble! + + This+Agenda+is+a+plan+of+action+for+people,+planet+and+prosperity.+It+also ...
| Sustainable Development
2025年2月5日 · 17 Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.
| Sustainable Development
可持续发展高级别 政治论坛; 与可持续发展相关的联合国会议和高级别活动; 可持续发展目标科学、技术和创新多利益相关方论坛
The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2020
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) demand nothing short of a transformation of the financial, economic and political systems that govern our societies today to guarantee the …
Objetivo 17 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs
17 Fortalecer los medios de implementación y revitalizar la Alianza Mundial para el Desarrollo Sostenible ‑ Anterior. Temas Relacionados. Desarrollo de la capacidad. Objetivos conexos. …