PCM1794A data sheet, product information and support | TI.com
The PCM1794A device is a monolithic, CMOS-integrated circuit that includes stereo digital-to-analog converters (DACs) and support circuitry in a small 28-pin SSOP package. The data converters use TI’s advanced segment DAC architecture to achieve excellent dynamic performance and improved tolerance to clock jitter.
PCM1794A 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
TI 的 PCM1794A 是一款 132dB SNR 最高性能立体声 DAC(硬件控制)。 查找参数、订购和质量信息.
The PCM1794A device is a monolithic, CMOS-integrated circuit that includes stereo digital-to-analog converters (DACs) and support circuitry in a small 28-pin SSOP package. The data converters use TI’s advanced segment DAC architecture to achieve excellent dynamic performance and improved tolerance to clock jitter.
These DACs are designed for the serious audiophile. They utilize the best DAC chip -PCM1794A that is capable of producing a super dynamic range of 127dB in stereo mode and 132dB in mono mode! The I/V and analogy sections are custom designed and use 100% discrete components.
PCM1794A audio DAC - Pavouk
There is DAC with integrated circuit PCM1794A. It is one of execellent audio DACs from Burr Brown (Texas Instruments). It has 24-bit resolution, 192kHz sample frequency, 8x oversampling digital filter, differential current output and SNR 127dB. Circuit includes power supply, DAC and operational amplifier.
LHY AUDIO Balanced DAC Board 2x PCM1794A I2S 24bit 192kHz
This simple but beautifully designed balanced DAC module is based on the integration of a pair of PCM1794A digital to analog conversion chips, each dedicated to a channel. These allow it to support sampling rates up to PCM 24bit 192kHz, while delivering a …
PCM1794 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
The PCM1794 is a monolithic CMOS integrated circuit that includes stereo digital-to-analog converters and support circuitry in a small 28-lead SSOP package. The data converters use TI’s advanced segment DAC architecture to achieve excellent dynamic performance and improved tolerance to clock jitter.
Any recommendations on a PCM1794A based DAC?
2018年4月27日 · I have been comparing the numbers on the current DAC chips and the Burr Brown (TI) 1794A has my attention. It has a S/N of 127 dB in stereo mode and 132 in mono mode. It has an "advanced segment" architecture and seems to be one of the better, if not the best, 24 bit DAC ICs in production.
新品 | “采用 BurrBrown 1794A 芯片”Merason DAC1 MK II DAC数 …
2023年10月7日 · DAC1 MK II 的 DAC 芯片采用 BurrBrown 1794A,支持最高取样率为 24bit/192kHz PCM,每声道各用一枚,如此可将动态范围提高 5dB;I/V 转换采用分离式组件,透过全平衡 A 类电路进行放大,具有XLR 和 RCA 输出各一。
採用 BurrBrown 1794A 晶片-Merason DAC1 MK II DAC - U …
DAC1 MK II 的 DAC 晶片採用 BurrBrown 1794A,支援最高取樣率為 24bit/192kHz PCM,每聲道各用一枚,如此可將動態範圍提高 5dB;I/V 轉換採用分離式元件,透過全平衡 A 類電路進行放大,具有 XLR 和 RCA 輸出各一。