凯迪拉克XT5 2018款 28T 四驱豪华型搭载了2.0T 269马力 L4发动机,最大功率是269kW,最大扭矩是400N·m,百公里加速时间是8.2s,与之搭配的是8挡手自一体变速箱,动力表现相对较优。
X-T5 with the XF 18-55mm. : r/fujifilm - Reddit
2022年12月17日 · Stunning, the 18-55mm is an all-star. What were your settings? 364 votes, 24 comments. 140K subscribers in the fujifilm community. Unofficial Fujifilm subreddit for Fuji photographers to share photos, ask…
每天认识一台富士相机X-T5 - 什么值得买
2024年11月25日 · 显示屏:184w像素三向翻折 触摸屏. 短片拍摄:6K. 30P/ 4K 60P/1080 240P 连拍:机械快门15张/秒电子快门20秒/张. 胶片模拟:19种. 防抖:7档五轴防抖. 部分按键介绍. 驱动拨盘:可选择单拍、连拍、多重曝光、创意 滤镜 等模式 后指令拨盘:可以选择快门速度和光圈的组合(P模式),选择 快门速度(S、M模式)回放时可缩小图片;设置时可更改设置 对焦区域模式下,可以调整对焦框的大小。 按下拨盘可以执行指. 定给此拨盘功能或放大当前对焦点。 …
富士XT-5搭配适马18-50mm f2.8,真香! - 什么值得买
2024年3月14日 · 18-50mm f2.8镜头的组合真的是相得益彰。 XT-5的高速连拍和精准对焦让我在抓拍瞬间时更加得心应手,而适马18-50mm f2.8镜头的大光圈则让我在光线较暗的环境下也能够轻松拍摄出高质量的照片。
【凯迪拉克XT5 2018款】凯迪拉克_凯迪拉克XT5 2018款报价_图 …
暂无车型报价,我们会在第一时间更新,请您继续关注。 新年开新车,XT5清库中! 此车系在当前城市暂无经销商信息。
Testing out my new to me 18-135 with my xt5 & why i picked it ... - Reddit
2023年10月22日 · I combed thru so many samples on flickr from each lens and was highly considering the 18-300 but many of the samples i saw were just not impressive to me. anyways i took a chance on the mixed reviewed 18-135 - was able to snag it for 381 on ebay from japan (425 total after taxes) so i figured i could sell it for at least what i paid for it.
Fujifilm X-T5 Mirrorless Camera with 18-55mm Lens (Black) …
A portable and powerful multimedia mirrorless camera, the Fuji X-T5 features the newly developed 40MP APS-C X-Trans CMOS 5 HR BSI sensor for simply stunning results. Three dials control ISO, shutter speed, and exposure compensation from the camera's top plate.
Looking at getting an xt5 how is the 18-55 kit lens? : r/fujifilm - Reddit
2023年1月25日 · I've heard the 18-55 looks especially soft on the X-T5 and can't resolve to the 40mp sensor. I'd definitely watch some YouTube videos to see if the lense is "good enough" for your use case. https://cameradecision.com/blog/Fujifilm-X-T5-Which-lenses-resolve-its-40MP-Sensor. Here are the recommended lenses for the new 40mp sensors.
【图】生命在于折腾 18款xt5 28E四驱技术 详细提车 加装改装作业分享_凯迪拉克XT5 …
2018年4月26日 · 点击:301705 | 回复:440 凯迪拉克XT5论坛 > 生命在于折腾 18款xt5 28E四驱技术 详细提车 加装改装作业分享 41楼 自动加载图片
My 18-300 short experience (on an XT5) and my overall Good …
2024年7月15日 · Congrats on getting the 18-300 finally! This is a really useful post with excellent lens comparisons. I could compare my XF70-300 for some time alongside the Tamron 18-300, and your observations matched my own. I also owned the 16 …
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