Convert kpa to psi - Unit Converter
Instant free online tool for kilopascal to psi conversion or vice versa. The kilopascal [kPa] to psi [psi] conversion table and conversion steps are also listed. Also, explore tools to convert kilopascal or psi to other pressure units or learn more about pressure conversions.
18 kPa 至 psi(免费换算计算器 + 答案) - TipWho
18 kPa 等于 2.61068 psi。 使用我们下面免费的 18 kPa 到 psi 计算器,快速将千帕转换为磅/平方英寸。 查看 kPa 到 psi 计算器,您将看到我们输入了 18 kPa 的值。
18 KPA to PSI | Pressure Unit Converter
Convert 18 Kilopascal (KPA) to Pounds per Square Inch (PSI). Free online pressure converter with formulas, examples, and conversion tables.
kPa到psi转换器 - MiniWebtool
2024年10月17日 · kPa到psi转换器 . kPa到psi转换器用于将kPa(千帕)转换为psi(磅/平方英寸)。 kPa到psi转换公式. 要将kPa转换为psi,请使用以下转换公式: 1 kPa = …
psi等于多少kpa? psi和kpa的换算 - 百度知道
2023年10月29日 · 1kpa约等于0.145032psi。 1psi等于6.895kPa。 气压的计量单位一般有五种:kg/cm2、bar、Kpa、Psi (磅)、大气压。 1、低压胎的充气压力为0.1471~0.490MPa(1.5~5kg/cm2);低压胎一般适用在私家车上;通常家用轿车充气胎压在0.2~0.25MPa。 2、高压胎的充气压力为0.5~0.7MPa(5~7kg/cm2),高压胎适用于大型载货/载客汽车,充气气压一般在0.5MPa左右,钢丝胎可适当增高至0.6MPa左右。 2023-10-29 · 分享 …
千帕 到 磅/平方英寸 ⇄ 转换器 (kpa → psi) - Convert
千帕 → 磅/平方英寸 (kpa 到 psi) 转换表和公式 Convert App.
Convert kPa to PSI - Conversion of Measurement Units
Use this page to learn how to convert between kilopascals and pounds/square inch. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units! 1 kPa to PSI = 0.14504 PSI. 5 kPa to PSI = 0.72519 PSI. 10 kPa to PSI = 1.45038 PSI. 20 kPa to PSI = 2.90075 PSI. 30 kPa to PSI = 4.35113 PSI. 40 kPa to PSI = 5.80151 PSI. 50 kPa to PSI = 7.25189 PSI.
18 kPa to psi (Free Conversion Calculator + Answer) - TipWho
What is 18 kPa in psi? 18 kPa equals 2.61068 psi. Use our free 18 kPa to psi calculator below to quickly convert kilopascals to pounds per square inch. Looking at the kPa to psi calculator, you will see that we entered a value of 18 kPa. This gives us a solution of 2.61068 psi.
Kpa to Psi - Kilopascal to Psi Pressure Conversion Converter
We know 1 kpa = 0.1450377377 psi: 1 psi = 6.8947572932 kpa. Kpa to psi is a Kilopascal to psi pressure conversion converter. It converts units from kpa to psi or vice versa with a metric conversion chart.
18 kPa to Psi - Convert 18 kPa to Psi - Convert Online
What is 18 kPa in Psi? 18 kPa equals 2.61 Psi or there are 2.61 pound-force per square inch in 18 kilopascal. 19 kpa to psi
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