Tank, Heavy No. 2, 183 mm Gun, FV215 - Tank Encyclopedia
2020年5月30日 · A requirement was formulated for a tank armed with a gun capable of defeating a 60-degree sloped plate, 6 inches (152 mm) thick, at up to 2,000 yards (1,828 meters), a feat impossible even for the powerful 120 mm L1 gun of the FV214.
BL 7.2-inch howitzer - Wikipedia
The BL 7.2-inch howitzer was a heavy artillery piece used by the British Army throughout the Second World War. In 1940 the British Army concluded that the only heavy howitzer available to it, the First World War -era BL 8-inch howitzer, had insufficient range for the conditions of the Second World War.
FV215B183 - 百度百科
这杆加农炮是源自于一战的183mm BL 7.2英寸野战炮。 这杆炮光自重就有4吨,并且会在开火时产生87吨的后坐力。 拥有这个尺寸的炮弹会在战斗室产生这么大的烟也是完全可以理解的。
The FV4005 - The Tank Museum
2023年11月16日 · The FV4005 has what is almost certainly the largest gun ever fitted to a tank. It marks the high point of the race throughout the history of armoured warfare to build bigger and bigger guns that could defeat thicker and thicker armour at longer and longer range.
FV215 – The 183 mm Death Star - Tank Historia
2023年5月18日 · In this article we will be taking a look at a fan-favourite vehicle, the mighty FV215. This British tank is essentially the tougher, better fed sibling of the iconic FV4005, with both vehicles being armed with the biggest direct-fire, dedicated anti-tank gun ever mounted on a …
巨炮怪兽——英国183mm自行反坦克炮小传 - 哔哩哔哩
2021年6月14日 · 为了容纳183mm主炮和车组,该车设计了一个巨大战斗室,加上百夫长Mk.3坦克的底盘,全车达到了惊人的3.6m高! 也使得FV4005第二阶段一举成为英国历史上最高的装甲战斗车辆。
“奇葩的红茶坦克”——“毁灭巨炮”FV4005(上) - 哔哩哔哩
2020年7月21日 · 为了与苏联的坦克相抗衡,英国军方研制了一种凶狠,威力极大的新型反坦克炮,即183毫米(7.2英寸)L4 反坦克炮。 最棘手的问题是寻找一个合适的“坐骑”来搭载这门可怕的巨炮。 车体的搭载计划最初被提议用FV215项目的车体。 因为这种自行火炮的设计基于FV200系列通用坦克的设计。 然而,因为种种原因,车体并没有被正式使用。 红茶的设计师们再次尝试,这一次,他们提出了一个建议,将这门巨炮安装在英国值得信赖(红茶撒不了)的新型主战坦克“ …
FV4005 II型 - 百度百科
其设计初衷是为了对抗苏联方面研制的新型重型坦克的威胁,该坦克主炮为1940年-45年期间英国陆军使用的 BL 7.2-inch howitzer野战榴弹炮所改装(口径7.2英寸 182.88mm)(FV4005 …
2024年8月9日 · 1952年12月,“莉莉白”的实验代号被更新为更正式的名称:军械库183mm坦克L4火炮,这也是人类历史上口径最大的直射火炮,仅炮身就重达3.7吨。 它发射的183mm HESH弹药重72.5公斤,几乎相当于一个健康成年男性的体重,弹头就重约40公斤,初速为716m/s。
The Biggest gun in the West - Blogger
2017年7月22日 · From this point the gun was developed and became the 183mm L4, that we all know and love on the infamous FV215 and FV4005. The L4 had a single bag charge, but the projectile was very similar. It however lost some of its velocity as it was only ever designed to fire HESH rounds (HESH rounds are often seen as "low velocity").