Professional Soldiers ® - 18D
Special Forces 18D Training Video (approx. 20MB) Video viewing instructions - Right Click on video you want - Left Click on "Save Target As..." - Select where you want to save the video file at locally - Open File with any mpg player (i.e. Windows Media Player, RealPlayer, etc)
18D to PA Route - Professional Soldiers
May 27, 2016 · 18D to PA Route This is for all of the 18D's that are looking to come off of active duty and going the NG route or just to become a civilian. I am currently with 20th SFG based out of Birmingham, AL and I have been afforded the opportunity to go to PA school at the University of South Alabama.
18D CIB eligibility - Professional Soldiers
Apr 2, 2009 · 18D CIB eligibility Base Camp. SF went through this same type rigamarole before and a 91B4S could select either a CIB or CMB as they (1) either had both MOSes and had served in both roles or (2) had simply served in both roles and had an EER stating such a duty position (e.g., Strike Force Company Commander or Mobile Strike Force Reconnaissance Platoon …
18D job description - Professional Soldiers
May 1, 2010 · 18D job description 18D. Primum non Nocere "I have hung out in dangerous places a lot over the years, from combat zones to biker bars, and it is the weak, the unaware, or those looking for it, that usually find trouble.
Few questions, 68W Op 40 VS. 18X w/ plausible 18D - Professional …
Dec 17, 2007 · And I've also looked heavily into 18D, especially with the information I'm very greatful to gain access to from this site. But I was wondering how a Ranger Medic compares when stacked up to an SF Medic, and what kind of Advanced Medical courses either of 'em can go into.
18D college credit - Professional Soldiers
Apr 7, 2005 · But I do distinctly remember 18D's getting 2 hours for "Emergency Veterinary Medicine", which I figured is an academic way to say "edited, and I better not see these words again.-TR"... So you can probably access the current edition of the manual at a local college VA office, and see what the most accurate numbers are.
Chances of getting 18D - Professional Soldiers
Feb 19, 2017 · To be a member in SF requires you to have very good attention to detail. This is especially true in training. And more so as an 18D. A mistake, misdiagnosis, slip-up could be deadly to your teammate. If they see that you have the aptitude you have a good chance at becoming an 18D, if you can handle the selection process (which never ends). ask ...
18D Medical Training Skill set - Professional Soldiers
Jun 28, 2004 · 18D job description: Eagle5US: 18D: 8: 05-01-2010 21:40: Eye dominance and CQB training: Adam White: Weapons Discussion Area: 23: 08-21-2004 07:02: Military training could affect overtime pay: CRad: The Early Bird: 0: 02-14-2004 13:54: What is Special Forces - A Primer: The Reaper: Special Forces Assessment & Selection: 3: 01-22-2004 19:07
18D Medical Training Skill set [Archive] - Professional Soldiers
May 31, 2010 · Most hospitals (even military) required some form of certification to delineate what duties the 18D could perform during hospital sustainment rotations. Prior to this, the 18D was limited by the same scope of practice the 91W was. The AMEDD saw this need as well and began certification of their 91W (68W) as an EMT-Basics two years earlier.
Vetting a Karl A Elerby 18D - Professional Soldiers
Jul 1, 2021 · Looking to vet an individual for work and participation in SOF related non-profit efforts. Karl A Elerby 18D ...