found a 18k hge ring, trying to find out what symbol means
2011年1月18日 · Hey guys, I was at the grade school scoping things out and found a 18k hge ring, not worth much but beautiful stone and unique design. Anyway it has a diamond shape …
More dirt Gold...but 18k this time--Update 18k HGE
2016年12月23日 · I was thinking maybe a war nick or a ring. And to my pleasant surprise it turned to being an "old school" nugget design 18k gold ring! It was about 6" down. It weighs in at …
14K Gold Ring stamped with a triangle - Friendly Metal Detecting …
2013年7月12日 · Not sure about that triangle, could be a maker's mark but I have seen it before. I dug one up with an open triangle myself, once. Whatever it is it does look like real gold...the …
18k ring yes , but wait,whats that GE - Friendly Metal Detecting …
2012年3月14日 · What Does "18k GE" Mean on a Ring? A ring that is marked "18KGE" is made of an unspecified metal that is electroplated with a thin layer of 18 karat gold. This …
18k Brass Ring? - Friendly Metal Detecting Forum
2024年4月23日 · Nice silver tone revealed a big brass ring with the stamp 18k inside???...and finally a really cool flat button, nickel size and with a nice design, first flattie with a design for me.
The $1,000 Penny Signal! Two 18K's Today & Very Cool Ferrari Ray …
2006年4月14日 · I suspect that may have been a fresher drop from the area that I found it. The other one has another man’s name and a 2016 date and I suspect has been lost for a few …
Is mismarked gold that common? | Friendly Metal Detecting Forum
2022年2月19日 · Only on very rare occasions do I find mismarked jewelry. It is DONE ON PURPOSE TO DECEIVE. Though some marks could be hard to decifer/unknown , etc. Could …
Gold testing question | Friendly Metal Detecting Forum
2008年5月14日 · Make a long scratch. Take a drop of 10K acid (yellow cap bottle) and see if it holds. If so then a drop of 14K acid in the middle of the scratch. If it holds then a drop of 18K …
Is it Gold? | Friendly Metal Detecting Forum
2024年12月23日 · Tossed it in my pouch thinking copper. Shocked to see 18k stamp given the color. It is heavy like gold so that's why I thought I'd ask.
Ring stamps id | Friendly Metal Detecting Forum
2023年12月14日 · Here’s Nox 800 numbers for some different gold rings I tested when I first got my Nox. No plain bands in this example, but they usually hit around 11. Same for plat bands. …