Navy Seals Devgru tactical gears AOR1 1961G Chest rig
Shekkin gears replica combat chest rig. Super iconic Navy Seals devgru gear. Ultimate quality production 1961G Chest rig.
现役Devgru海豹常用单兵装备简单介绍 (一)_部队介绍_战甲军品资 …
2013年12月1日 · 其全名为United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group,缩写为NSWDG,又称DEVGRU。 它的前身为美国海军海豹部队第六小队,是美国海军最主要的反恐特种部队。 它直接向美国国防部长以及美国总统负责,预算独立于美国海军之外,拥有自己的武器研发单位,被视为是美国最强悍的特种部队之一。 (此段摘录自维基百科)。 一般来说,devgru的单兵装备由其执行的任务类型和性质所决定,也在一定程度上取决于个体在执行任务团体中所担 …
装具推荐指南-【胸挂篇】:轻量装具挂载量拔群的佼佼者-1961胸 …
【鉴赏】满城尽带黄金甲——LBT1961G战术胸挂 - 百度贴吧
最近,LZ从一位朋友手中收到了14年版本的原品LBT1961G胸挂,算是了了入坑以来的一桩心愿. 先露个真身是必须的! 最后已完可插!
【原创】EI AOR1 MMAC-R swimmer&LBT AOR1 1961G试装
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"NEW" London Bridge Old Gen LBT-1961G AOR1 Zipper
London Bridge Trading LBT-1961G AOR2 Chest Rig w/ Zipper Color: AOR2 DATE: JULY 2008 This is the first production model of the LBT-1961 in AOR2. This vest has the older style one-sided AOR2 webbing. Newer versions have dual-sided webbing.
【业余介绍】《红海行动》中出现的单兵装备、防具 - 知乎
LBT-1961G 6094Slick 片中观察手所使用的装具并不是一件单纯的战术背心,而是防弹载体+弹药载体的组合使用形式。 图中的背心是美国LBT公司的6094Slick背心,在6094A的基础上进行精简和轻量化,只需要直接在背心内部加插陶瓷防弹插板即可防弹,而外面类似于肚兜的 ...
Review Flyye LBT-1961G AOR1 - Mundo Airsofter
2013年1月5日 · Built in Cordura 500D, less resistant than 1000D but durable enough for airsoft (afterall there are military accesories on 500D and even 330D) and much lighter. There’s a noticeable weight difference with Pantac MCR in 1000D. As said on previous post, it features UTX Duraflex buckles, YKK zipper, mil spec velcros and mil spec sewing…
lbt 1961g products for sale - eBay
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LBT-1961G Load Bearing Chest Rig w/ Zipper Coyote Brown - LBT
Seven inch zippered split front closure with mesh pockets against body for flotation aid (sold separately), additional flex cuffs, or document storage. Removable vinyl holster included. Overall Dimensions: One size fits most. Main components: 104.1 x 15.2 x 63.5 cm. Weight: 1.36 kg.