1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion | The Highlanders
1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion conducts multi-domain reconnaissance, counter-reconnaissance, and security operations in order to shape the battlespace for the supported unit...
1st LAR Bn | History - 1st Marine Division
1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion (LAR) once again deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom to relieve 2nd LAR on September 2005. Their primary focus being...
1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion - Wikipedia
1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion is a fast and mobilized armored terrestrial reconnaissance battalion of the United States Marine Corps. Nicknamed the "Highlanders," their primary weapon system is the LAV-25 Light Armored Vehicle armed with the M242 25mm Bushmaster chain gun.
United States Marine Corps Light Armored Reconnaissance
The United States Marine Corps Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalions, or LAR Battalions, are fast and mobilized armored terrestrial reconnaissance units that conduct reconnaissance-in-force (RIF) ahead of the battalion landing teams or division infantry forces.
1st LARBN History – 1st LAR BN Association
1st LAR was deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Then in March 2003, 1st LAR was the first unit to cross the Iraqi-Kuwaiti border fighting its way to the Iraqi capital of Baghdad. As part of Task Force Tripoli, the battalion advanced north securing Hussein’s home town of Tikrit.
1st LAR Bn | Contact Information - 1st Marine Division
1st LAR Bn | Contact Information. Home. Contact. Chaplain. Unit History. Resources . Battalion Officer of the Day: Desk (760) 725-2896 / Mobile (760) 207-1640. Battalion Chaplain: Office (760) 390-2688. Battalion Deployment Readiness Coordinator: Office (760) 763-4875.
1st LAR BN Association – non-profit organization
Founded to foster connections, fellowship, social communications and support to those Marines, Sailors and the families who have served, are serving or have supported, the 1st LAR BN.
What is 1st LAR BN – 1st LAR BN Association
The First Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion is a mechanized infantry battalion and reconnaissance asset of the 1st Marine Division, 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, United States Marine Corps. For nearly 3 decades 1st LAR Marines continues to stand ready to defend Our Nation and its Liberty.
1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion Association was created to provide support, and preserve the historic evolution of the unit, from its genesis as the First Light Armored Vehicle (LAV) Battalion (BN), to the First Light Armored Infantry (LAI) BN and to the current First Light Armored Reconnaissance (LAR) BN.
The C-Square: 1LAR! Start Your Holiday
2010年12月2日 · Sgt. Timothy Willenborg, a vehicle commander with Alpha Company, 1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, talks with his wife during the homecoming of Alpha and Headquarters Companies, 1st LAR Bn., at Camp Pendleton, Calif., Nov. 30. The 1st LAR Bn. returned after a seven-month deployment to Afghanistan.