1N749-Zener-Diode | Microchip Technology
This popular series of 500 mW Zener voltage regulators provides a selection from 2.4 to 12 volts in a standard 5% tolerance as well as available tighter 2% and 1% tolerances. These axial …
1N749 Datasheet (PDF) - Microsemi Corporation
1N749 Product details DESCRIPTION The popular 1N746 thru 1N759A and 1N4370 thru 1N4372A series of 0.5 watt Zener Voltage Regulators provides a selection from 2.4 to 12 volts …
1N749A_onsemi (安森美)_1N749A中文资料_PDF手册_价格-立创商城
1N749A由onsemi (安森美)设计生产,立创商城现货销售。 1N749A价格参考¥0.0525。 下载1N749A中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册,有稳压二极管详细引脚图及功能的应用电路 …
1N749_MICROCHIP (美国微芯)_1N749中文资料_PDF手册_价格-立 …
1N749 Microchip Technology | Discrete Semiconductor Products
Order today, ships today. 1N749 – Zener Diode 4.3 V 500 mW ±10% Through Hole DO-204AH (DO-35) from Microchip Technology. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic …
1N749 Microchip Technology | Mouser
1N749 Microchip Technology Zener Diodes Voltage Regulator datasheet, inventory, & pricing.
1N749 Datasheet, PDF - Alldatasheet
Description: SILICON 500 mW ZENER DIODES. 67 Results. Datasheet: 222Kb/3P. Manufacturer: Microsemi Corporation.
1N749参数_齐纳二极管芯片中文资料_Microsemi - 百芯EMA
1N749 Microsemi 齐纳二极管芯片中文资料PDF, 共(4)页, 1N749数据手册有芯片封装DO-35-2和参数资料, 硅500 mW的稳压二极管 Silicon 500 mW Zener Diodes。
1N749A Datasheet (PDF) - General Semiconductor
General Semiconductor was an American semiconductor company that specialized in the design and manufacture of discrete semiconductor components such as diodes, rectifiers, transistors, …
1N749,1N749 pdf中文资料,1N749引脚图,1N749电路-Datasheet
医用纺织品透气性能测试仪是气体透过率测试仪家族中的一种,适用于多种纺织品包括产业用织物,非织造布及其他可透气的制品如海绵等材料的透气性。 及纸张等高透气材料的检测。 一、 …