2K11 Krug - Wikipedia
The 2K11 Krug (Russian: 2К11 Круг; English: 'circle') is a Soviet and now Russian medium-range, medium-to-high altitude surface-to-air missile (SAM) system. The system was designed by NPO Novator and produced by Kalinin Machine Building Plant. Its GRAU designation is "2K11."
1S32 “Pat Hand” - Radartutorial
The 1S32 (Cyrillic: 1С32; NATO designation: “Pat Hand”) is a target tracking and missile guidance radar for the Krug surface-to-air missile system (Cyrillic: Круг, NATO designation: SA-4 “Ganef”). Each Krug anti-aircraft missile battery is assigned such a fire control radar. 1S32 is a coherent pulse radar operating in the C band ...
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The 2K11 Krug (NATO code SA-4 Ganef) is a Soviet-made medium-range air defense missile. The development of the system started in 1958. The first version, Krug-A, entered service in 1967, with...
1s32 SNR Krug Pat Hand, W-Model WB12 (2015) - Scalemates
W-Model model kit in scale 1:72, WB12 is a NEW tool released in 2015 | Contents, Previews, Reviews, History + Marketplace | 2K11 Krug
2K11 Krug – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
2K11 Krug (ros.: 2К11 Круг – "okrąg") – radziecki system rakiet ziemia-powietrze, do niszczenia celów na dużym i średnim pułapie. System został zaprojektowany przez NPO Nowator i produkowany był w Fabryce Maszyn im.
2K11 - 16va.be
A typical SA-4 battery was composed of three 2P24 TEL armed with two missiles each, a vehicle equipped with a P-40/1S12 'Long Track' acquisition radar and a vehicle equipped with a 1S32 'Pat Hand' tracking radar. The latter had the ability to guide two missiles on a single target if needed.
Krug - Encyclopedia Astronautica
Ramjet-powered long-range surface-to-air missile, deployed by the Soviet Union and its allies. AKA: 2K11;9M8;Ganef;SA-4. Status: Active. Payload: 150 kg (330 lb). Gross mass: 2,450 kg (5,400 lb). Height: 8.80 m (28.80 ft). Diameter: 0.86 m (2.82 ft). Span: 2.56 m (8.39 ft). Location: Moscow. Apogee: 24 km (15 mi).
2K11 Krug – Wikipedia
Eine typische 2K11-Batterie bestand aus einer Raketenleitstation 1S32 (RLS), drei Startrampen 2P24 (SR) (TEL – Transporter-Erector-Launcher) mit jeweils zwei Fla-Raketen 3M8, sowie einem Transportladefahrzeug 2T6 (TLF).
2K11 Krug – Wikipedia
2K11 Krug (ryska 2К11 Круг , NATO-rapporteringsnamn SA-4 Ganef) är ... Eldläge Eldledningsradarplattform 1S32 Spaningsradarplattform 1S12 Ammunitionhanteringsplattform 2T6. 2K11 består av flera delsystem och beteckningen står för hela robotsystemet med alla ingående delsystem.
1S32.SY.camo 3D Model - MVRsimulation
1S32.SY.camo is one of thousands of 3D Models included with VRSG. Category: Air / Missile Defense Unit Equipment SISO ENUM:
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