2K11 Krug - Wikipedia
The 2K11 Krug (Russian: 2К11 Круг; English: 'circle') is a Soviet and now Russian medium-range, medium-to-high altitude surface-to-air missile (SAM) system. The system was designed by …
苏联2K11防空导弹,尺寸庞大但战斗灵活的防空武器 - 知乎
1957年,苏联开始设计一种 中程防空导弹系统,按照苏联在1958年提出的要求,导弹系统用于拦截高度在3000~25000米、距离在45千米内以600米/秒高速度飞行的目标,这种高标准诞生的 …
科普:前苏联/俄罗斯防空导弹族谱 - 百度贴吧
萨姆-1防空导弹(SA-1“吉尔德”,前苏联编号S-25,或称R-133、V-300),原名“金雕”,是苏联最早研制和装备使用的固定式全天候型中程地对空导弹武器系统。 主要用于要地和国土防空, …
1S32 “Pat Hand” - Radartutorial
The 1S32 (Cyrillic: 1С32; NATO designation: “Pat Hand”) is a target tracking and missile guidance radar for the Krug surface-to-air missile system (Cyrillic: Круг, NATO designation: SA-4 …
2K11 - 16va.be
The 1S32 'Pat Hand' tracking radar deployed at Cochstedt in 1970. © P.Nikulla/USMLM. Judge by yourself: the missiles of the 2K11A Krug (1967) and 2K11M Krug-M (1971) systems flew at …
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The 2K11 Krug (NATO code SA-4 Ganef) is a Soviet-made medium-range air defense missile. The development of the system started in 1958. The first version, Krug-A, entered service in …
Fla-Raketen-Komplex 2K11 "KRUG" - TLA der NVA
Dabei kann die 1S12 entwder selbständig die Ziele auswählen oder bekommt diese über den automatisierten Feuerleitkomplex 1S44 "Krab" zugewiesen. Dazu ist die 1S32 mit der …
Krug - Encyclopedia Astronautica
Ramjet-powered long-range surface-to-air missile, deployed by the Soviet Union and its allies. AKA: 2K11;9M8;Ganef;SA-4. Status: Active. Payload: 150 kg (330 lb). Gross mass: 2,450 kg …
2K11 Krug anti-aircraft missile system. 2022. – Polot
2022年11月17日 · The 1S32 missile guidance station was placed on the chassis of the GM-123 (426-124) vehicle (the same as the missile launcher chassis). The radar works in the …
Raketenleitstation 1S32 - TLA der NVA
Die Aufgabe der Sowjetische Raketenleitstation (RLS) 1S32 (Nato-Code "Pat Hand") des FRK 2K11 Krug (Nato-Code SA-4 "Ganef" besteht im "Auffassen und Orten von Luftzielen, …