BTR-60 - Wikipedia
BTR-60 1V18 "Klyon-1" – BTR-60PB converted into an artillery command and forward observer vehicle, used by battery commanders of units equipped with towed artillery and MRL systems. The original turret has been replaced by an unarmed one ("Darth Vader") with the NNP-21 and DV observation devices and a rangefinder. [ 14 ]
Russian Artillery Support Vehicles
The 1V18 and 1V19 are powered by a pair of GAZ-49B 90-horsepower gasoline engines, each developing 90 horsepower. One engine propels the second and fourth axles, and the second engine propels the first and third axles.
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BTR-60 Armored Personnel Carrier - GlobalSecurity.org
Jan 10, 2023 · BTR-60 1V18 This is an artillery observation post, a wheeled analogue of the tracked 1V14M with the same communication system and a computer-communication complex of the agro-industrial complex.
BTR-60 - 华文百科
BTR-60 1V18“ Klyon-1” - BTR-60pb转换为砲兵司令部和前进观察者车辆,该车辆由配备有拖曳的砲兵和MRL系统的电池司令使用。原始的砲塔已被NNP-21和DV观测设备和测距仪的手无寸铁的砲塔(“ Darth Vader”)取代。
Command BTR-60 1V18 "Klyon-1" (East) - Vigilante Marketplace
Feb 14, 2025 · The Vigilante BTR-60 1V18 (BTR in Russian stands for “armored transporter”), nicknamed “Klyon-1”, is an artillery command and observation 8×8 wheeled vehicle, which was converted from a BTR-60PB. The vehicle comes equipped with a GAZ-49B engine and an unarmed turret. It can carry 5 crewmates.
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The BTR-60 is the first vehicle in a series of Soviet eight-wheeled armored personnel carriers (APCs). It was developed in the late 1950s as a replacement for the BTR-152 and was seen in public for the first time in 1961.
BTR-60 APC (1960)
BTR-60 1V18 "Klyon-1" Artillery command & observation vehicle, with an unarmed turret fitted with NNP-21, DV sights and rangefinder. The BTR-60 1V18-1 was the modernized version BTR-60 1V19 "Klyon-2" artillery fire direction center, battalion commander vehicle with R-130M radio set and extra stowage box
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network
三亚1v18是什么 - 百度知道
Sep 9, 2022 · 三亚1V18是指在三亚电音节上,一女子和18个男生群p的故事。 但也有网友表示,这个故事其实是一个炒作的假瓜,没有1v18只有1v8,大概就是说来的人不是一批,隔了一段时间又来了别的人。