"What is the 2% Factor?"
Nov 7, 2017 · The key difference is that a true 2%er is someone who not only negatively affects others but is someone who will, even when aware of this, will not take responsibility for their …
What does "2%er" mean in the context of police? : r ... - Reddit
Jun 5, 2021 · Today I was driving and noticed a bumper sticker that said "2%er" on the back of a SUV. It was stylized like the [biker 1%er patch, but in black and gray.] (https://images-na.ssl …
欧洲遥感卫星 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
欧洲遥感卫星 (英語: European Remote Sensing Satellite,缩写: ERS)是由 欧洲空间局 研制、发射和运营的 地球观测卫星,也是欧洲空间局的第一个地球观测卫星任务,由 ERS-1 遥感 …
European Remote-Sensing Satellite - Wikipedia
European Remote Sensing satellite (ERS) was the European Space Agency 's first Earth-observing satellite programme using a polar orbit. It consisted of two satellites, ERS-1 and …
2%er - Urban Dictionary
Sep 5, 2011 · The fortunes amassed by Warren Buffet and Bill Gates get them into the 2%er club, no question about that! -or- You'd think the 2% ers would ease up their grip a little, pay their …
Happiness Club - Art of Brilliance
The “2%ers” stand out a mile. They are enthusiastic, optimistic, energetic, effervescent and possess a ‘can-do’ mentality. Research shows that they live longer, are more productive and …
What is a 2%er ?????? : r/aggies - Reddit
Jan 28, 2023 · 2 %er is used to describe students who don’t partake in traditions, however I’ve heard that othering students was involved. At A&M there use to be 2% of Black students who …
Are you a 2%er? - John Dabell
Feb 25, 2018 · 2%ers are people who expect and accept turbulence but consciously and deliberately choose positive over negative every time. They remain realistically hopeful, …
ERS-2 (European Remote-Sensing Satellite-2) - eoPortal
Aug 26, 2024 · Launched in April 1995, the ERS-2 was an enhancement of the previous ERS-1 mission. ERS-2 provided microwave spectrum environmental monitoring across a range of …
Habits of 2%ers - MARKAY LATIMER
Following are some of my takeaways on how the 2%ers live their lives. They understand common sense (that isn’t so common) principles of money. Within this group you will see people who …