[AT&T Fiber] Wi-Fi 6 speed dropped by half recently! - AT&T U …
2018年8月20日 · Forum discussion: Wi-fi 6 performance has dropped significantly! Setup: 1 Gbs Fiber BGW320-500 Firmware 4.22.5 Recently I noticed my Wi-Fi 6 speed had dropped to …
? Wifi 101: upper or lower sideband and 20 or 40 Mhz - Wireless ...
2003年1月23日 · Forum discussion: I have a new router, the Motorola SBG6782 from my ISP which supports 5Ghz. I am just trying to configure the additional settings. I am in a very …
[HSI] Upstream levels - Charter Spectrum | DSLReports Forums
2020年8月15日 · Forum discussion: Upstream UCID Freq Power Channel Type Symbol Rate Modulation Upstream 1 10 24.20 MHz 51.00 dBmV DOCSIS2.0 (ATDMA) 5120 kSym/s …
What channel should I choose for my wireless network?
2014年1月13日 · However, and this is key, Wi-Fi signals are 20 MHz w ide! So when you set your Wi-Fi device to channel 6, you actually are using the freq uencies of channels 5, 6, 7, and half …
[NEWS] Comcast begins roll-out of DOCSIS 4.0 - Comcast XFINITY ...
2023年6月21日 · Forum discussion: As mentioned in another thread (https://www.dslreports.com/forum/r33763199- ), Comcast announced today that it will begin …
[HSI] Charter Spectrum's little secret = Your IP Address, matters ...
2022年7月18日 · Forums → US ISPs cable → Charter Spectrum → [HSI] Charter Spectrum's little secret = Your IP Address, matters.
[Equipment] Cambium 5.4ghz signal strength - DSL Reports
2014年8月14日 · Forum discussion: I'm a customer of a WISP, not a WISP. Posted in Wireless Users Chat but didn't get a reply, and it's been 5 days now. So I'm posting here. I'm just …
Next Gateway XB8 - Technicolor CGM4981COM Wi-Fi 6E
2022年8月2日 · Forum discussion: Looks like we have a new DOCSIS gateway by Technicolor on the horizon. A new listing went up today mentioning a "e;CGM4981COM."e; Not …
[Internet] [Question]Home Hub 2000 Best W-Fi Settings - Bell …
2018年2月6日 · Forum discussion: I have the HH2000 and the Wi-Fi is working fast without any problems. However, I live in a apartment in a big building and there's lots of other networks …
7.200Mhz & 14.313Mhz - Ham Radio | DSLReports Forums
2002年2月27日 · Forum discussion: is it always like this ? a bunch of "e;CB'ers"e; arguing with vulgar profanity making mouth noises, playing with "e;noise toys"e; and …
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