Bode Plot - Why we add dB value in some situations?
2023年1月14日 · In dB quantity this would be $20log_{10}(10) = 20 $ dB. The asymptote will stay flat at 20 dB, until we reach $\omega = 0.2$ , at which point the magnitude will drop at -20 dB /decade or $-20log_{10}(\omega) + C$ .
What is meant by 20 dB signal-to-noise ratio?
In the analog realm, power is V^2/R, where V and R are voltage and impedence across that voltage respectively, so we have dB = 10*log((V1^2/R1) / (V2^2/R2)) = 20*log(V1/V2) + 10*log(R2/R1). Especially at high frequencies (radar, communications, etc), it is generally desirable to match impedences for maximum transfer of power, meaning that R2 = R1.
What is the audible level for digital audio dB units?
2023年7月24日 · The cinema standard is a 500-2000 Hz band-limited pink noise signal with digital RMS amplitude of -20 dB full scale will produce 85 dBC SPL slow response at the listening position. dBC SPL refers to both a perceptual weighing curve, a time function, and a reference pressure of 20 uPa.
Calculating the gain for adjusting sound level to X db
You don't need to convert the voltages to dB, just calculate the required gain (as a factor) and then convert this to dB if necessary, i.e. G = Vout / Vin # required gain (factor) G_dB = 20 * log10(G) # required gain (dB) where . Vin = input voltage Vout = output voltage
frequency - How can I determine the order of filter? - Signal ...
If the slope is -20 dB/dec then the second order should have -40 dB/dec. For example, An n= 4th order is 24dB/octave slope. But, I saw this example below and pretty confuse about determine the slope of those two line and how can the first line is 12-th order.
Why is the reference pressure for dB SPL 20uPa?
2022年8月5日 · From the looks of it, it appears to be influenced a lot of what a medical professional would consider a problem. For example according to ISO 226, the threshold of hearing at 125 Hz is about 17 dBSPL. That corresponds to a whopping -28 dB HL. In other words, Ansi S3.6 doesn't consider hearing loss at 125 Hz a problem unless it exceeds 28 dB.
how to identify flicker and RTN noise in a frquency spectrum
2024年7月5日 · If one of the noise types is more dominant (in a given frequency or time range), then that is the slope you will see---it is often common to see a PSD (welch) where it drops -20dB/decade at lower frequencies (where RTN is dominant) transitioning to -10 dB/decade (where flicker is dominant) at higher frequencies, and then reaching the white ...
What is Passband Ripple?How is this expressed in dB scale?
2021年9月3日 · How is pass band ripple related in dB scale? The magnitude response of a filter is typically plotted on a dB scale, so it is natural to specify the ripple in dB as well, but you can easily convert between dB and linear scales with the first equation you gave. If you look at the picture above, it only makes sense if the ripple is a positive number.
power spectral density - How to calculate a mixer noise? - Signal ...
2023年2月2日 · If the noise floor (as a spectral density) at the IF port was the same in the desired band and alias band, then the noise floor at the RF output of the mixer would be degraded by 3 dB (doubled). It is typically sufficient to ensure that the noise in the alias band is at least 15 to 20 dB below the noise in the primary band of interest.
Roll off rate vs filter order? - Signal Processing Stack Exchange
2020年8月18日 · assuming it's a low-pass filter and assuming that the filter order equals the number of poles and there are no zeros in the s-domain transfer function, then the rolloff at the edge of the passband through the stopband is -20 dB/decade (or -6 dB/octave) multiplied by the order of the filter.