Asteroid 2003 UA414 | Space Reference
2003 UA414 is a dwarf planet whose orbit extends beyond the orbit of Neptune. NASA JPL has not classified 2003 UA414 as potentially hazardous because its orbit does not bring it close to Earth. 2003 UA414 orbits the sun every 277,000 days (758.38 years), coming as close as 36.73 AU and reaching as far as 129.79 AU from the sun.
(721572) 2003 UA414 – Wikipedia
2003 UA414 ist ein großes transneptunisches Objekt, das bahndynamisch als resonantes Kuipergürtel-Objekt (2:9–Resonanz) oder als Scattered Disc Object (SDO) eingestuft wird. Aufgrund seiner Größe ist der Asteroid ein Zwergplanetenkandidat.
2003 UA414 – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
2003 UA414, também escrito como 2003 UA414, é um objeto transnetuniano que está localizado no Cinturão de Kuiper, uma região do Sistema Solar. Ele é classificado como um twotino, pois, o mesmo está em uma ressonância orbital de 1:2 com o planeta Netuno.
(721572) 2003 UA414 — Wikipédia
(721572) 2003 UA 414 est un objet transneptunien, en résonance 2:9 avec Neptune de magnitude absolue 5,0. Son diamètre est estimé à environ 400 km, ce qui le qualifie comme candidat au statut de planète naine.
Distant EKOs #54 - Southwest Research Institute
A comparative analysis reveals that the near Infrared (NIR) spectral properties have little correlation to the visible colors or albedo, with the exception of the fragment KBOs produced from the giant impact on 2003 EL61.
2003 UA414 - orbitsimulator.com
2003 UA414 is in a 2:9 resonance with Neptune.
2003 UA414 - Wikidata
2003 UA414. trans-Neptunian object. Statements. instance of. trans-Neptunian object. 1 reference. stated in. JPL Small-Body Database. JPL Small-Body Database SPK-ID. 3383612.
2003 UA414 - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
2003 UA414 adalah sebuah objek trans-Neptunus. Seperti objek trans-Neptunus pada umumnya, benda ini mengorbit Matahari dari jarak yang lebih jauh dari planet Neptunus. Eksentrisitas orbit objek ini tercatat sebesar 0.048, sementara magnitudo mutlaknya adalah 5.3.
2003 UA414 - Wikipedia baso Minang
Laman Utamo; Portal komunitas; Kajadian kini ko; Parubahan baru; Laman sumbarang; Kadai Kopi; Bak kasiak; Bantuan; Manyumbang
2003 UA414 - franco.wiki
2003 UA 414 est un objet transneptunien, en résonance 2:9 avec Neptune de magnitude absolue 5,0.
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