4·16韩国客轮沉没事故 - 百度百科
4·16韩国岁月号沉船事故(4·16한국세월호침몰사고),即4.16韩客轮沉没事件,指当地时间2014年4月16日上午8时58分许,一艘载有470人的“岁月(sewol)号”客轮在韩国西南海域发 …
What Happened on April 16, 2014 - On This Day
What happened on April 16, 2014. Browse historical events, famous birthdays and notable deaths from Apr 16, 2014 or search by date, day or keyword.
Sinking of MV Sewol - Wikipedia
On the morning of 16 April 2014, the ferry MV Sewol sank whilst en route from Incheon towards Jeju City in South Korea. [14] The 6,825-ton vessel sent a distress signal from about 2.7 …
世越号沉没事故 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
청해진해운 세월호 침몰 사고 - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전
청해진해운 세월호 침몰 사고 (영어: Sinking of MV Sewol[4], 淸海鎭海運歲月號沈沒事故)는 2014년 4월 16일 오전 8시 50분 경 대한민국 전라남도 진도군 조도면 부근 병풍도 해상에서 여객선 …
4·16南通双马化工爆炸事件 - 百度百科
2014年4月16日上午十点左右,江苏省南通市如皋市东陈镇双马化工有限公司发生爆炸,经查系其硬脂酸造粒包装车间违章动火引起粉尘爆炸,此事故造成8人死亡、9人受伤,是一起较大责任 …
South Korean ferry survivors: Passengers told to stay put | CNN
2014年4月16日 · Passengers aboard a sinking South Korean ferry faced a terrifying choice as the vessel rolled: obey commands barked over loudspeakers to stay in place, or don life vests and …
Remember 2014.4.16 - RedEye Post
2017年9月20日 · South Korean Sewol ferry disaster took away 304 lives. 250 out of 324 students from Danwon High School in Ansan, South Korea, drowned in the water. That’s how long it …
Hundreds Missing After Passenger Ferry Sinks Off South Korean …
2014年4月16日 · Tragedy unfolded across South Korea Wednesday as a passenger vessel with 459 persons aboard sank in the Yellow Sea off the southwest coast of the peninsula. Reports …
セウォル号沈没事故 - Wikipedia
セウォル号沈没事故 (セウォルごうちんぼつじこ、世越号沈没事故)は、 2014年 4月16日 に 大韓民国 の大型旅客船「セウォル (世越) [3]」が 全羅南道 珍島郡 の 観梅島 沖海上で転覆 …