2019OK energy at impact - Astronomy Stack Exchange
2019年7月30日 · The asteroid 2019 OK recently passed at 77.000km of the Earth, with an estimated size of 50-130m. But if this asteroid had crashed onto the Earth, what would have been its kinetic energy on impact...
On a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, why is the main-sequence line …
2019年5月17日 · When I look at a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, I'm able to see a main-sequence line from the most luminous main-sequence stars at the top left to the dimmest main-sequence stars at the bottom right.
Can we violate law of physics in any other planet? [closed]
2019年12月3日 · If a condition in the universe violates a law of physics, then that law wasn't really a complete picture and whatever revisions come about as a result of the new understanding are closer to the actual workings of the universe. Is it possible to violate the underlying reality that a formalized law approximates? No, that would preclude it being a law.
Correction to inverse square law for cosmology
Expansion must be accounted as for energy flux is considered. So we have the geometrical inverse square and reddening of photons. For why this is more relevant in steady state I can only think of some time dilation due to density. When photons leaves from the source in a steady state world they travel in a denser universe as compared to an expanding one. But it's a guess. I …
degenerate matter - Measures for the degeneracy from protons ...
2019年3月29日 · Thanks. The direct answer to your question is there is no force of either electron degeneracy or proton degeneracy. Degeneracy is not a force-- it is a thermodynamic effect that alters the partitioning of kinetic energy between electrons and protons, and also among the electrons. The electrons dominate the pressure because the thermodynamics says they get almost all the kinetic energy.
general relativity - Does the Milky Way's movement through space …
Your question has a misunderstanding at its root: You say, "So for simplicity's sake, let's say the galaxy is actually moving through space at 1,000km/s". The problem here is that the whole point of Relativity is that the idea of movement with respect to space is meaningless -- the only thing that has meaning is movement with respect to other bodies. Time …
The movement of the moon - Astronomy Stack Exchange
2019年12月10日 · On the evening of 2019-01-15, JPL HORIZONS says the Moon's sub-Sun position angle was about 252°, or 3:36 on an equatorially mounted clock dial. Relative to the horizon and zenith, an observer in the Arctic would see the Moon in a similar orientation, near 3 o'clock all evening.
Accuracy of Mercury transit calculations - Astronomy Stack Exchange
2019年11月13日 · Python script using the Skyfield package to calculate some things about the 11-Nov-2019 transit of Mercury across the Sun as seen from the city of Caracas, Venezuela.
size - What is the smallest diameter black hole that can be formed ...
EDIT: I'd also like to add that the theoretical minimum mass for a black hole is the Planck mass, 2.2 ×10−8 2.2 × 10 − 8 kg, which would yield a radius of 3.267 ×10−35 3.267 × 10 − 35 meters, though these would not be formed by stellar collapse, though they could have formed as primordial black holes in the very early universe.
How would I define mass in a space - Astronomy Stack Exchange
2019年10月22日 · I always heard that mass is a measure of inertia during my school days. Is this applicable to bodies which are in space ? Suppose there is space craft in a space; how would I define mass ? I read ...