M115 howitzer - Wikipedia
The M115 203 mm howitzer, also known as the M115 8-inch howitzer, and originally the M1 8-inch howitzer was a towed heavy howitzer developed by the United States Army and used during World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. Post-WWII it was also adopted by a number of other nations in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.
M115榴彈炮 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
M115 203mm榴彈砲,又稱M115 8吋榴,是一種美國陸軍設計的榴彈砲。原始代號8吋榴彈砲 M1,目的是建造一種與納粹德國 17 cm K 18加農炮性能平級的榴彈砲。
M115榴弹炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M115 203mm榴弹炮,又称M115 8吋榴,是一种美国陆军设计的榴弹炮。原始代号8吋榴弹炮 M1,目的是建造一种与纳粹德国 17 cm K 18加农炮性能平级的榴弹炮。
M115 howitzer - Military Wiki | Fandom
The M115 203 mm howitzer, also known as the M115 8 inch howitzer, was a towed howitzer used by the United States Army. Until the 1950s it was designated the 8 inch Howitzer M1. The original design started in 1919 but lapsed until resurrected in 1927 as a partner-piece for a new 155 mm gun. It was standardised as 8 inch Howitzer M1 in 1940.
M1 8 in (203 mm) howitzer - GlobalSecurity.org
The M115 8 in (203 mm) howitzer, which was replaced by the M110 self-propelled howitzer, is a towed weapon developed prior to World War II as a heavy artillery weapon. The weapon uses NATO...
M115 (8-Inch Howitzer M1) 203mm Towed Howitzer - Military Factory
2018年9月24日 · Its massive 203mm shells were ideal in clearing out concentrations of enemy troops, defeating fortified positions, and even engaging light armor vehicles who happened to be in the path of the falling explosive.
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ORD01: M115 Howitzer
Originally designated the M1 8-inch howitzer, then the M115 8-inch howitzer before becoming standardized as the 203-mm howitzer, the M115 was the United States’ standard heavy howitzer used...
M115式榴弹炮 - 百度百科
美国于1930年代研制列装,二战后命名为M115式 203毫米榴弹炮。 台湾于1950年代后期引进并装备。 该炮射击精度好,弹丸杀伤威力大;配用弹种多,可执行多种任务。 该炮 最大射程16800米,最大射速1发/分钟,行军状态长10972毫米,宽2844毫米,高2743毫米,身管长5142毫米。 高低射界-2°~+65°,方向射界60°。 配用榴弹、子母弹、化学弹。 行军状态全重14.515吨,战斗状态全重13.471吨。 炮班人数14人。 M115式榴弹炮为二战时期美军装备,为老式榴弹炮。 …
Overview — 203-mm (8-in) M115 - Military Periscope
The M115 8-in (203-mm) towed howitzer is the largest towed artillery weapon ever developed in the United States. It is no longer in service with the U.S. Army, but is remains the arsenals of several other countries. The gun is mounted on a two-axle carriage, each axle being fitted with two twin-tired hubs.
M115 howitzer - Wikiwand
The M115 203 mm howitzer, also known as the M115 8-inch howitzer, and originally the M1 8-inch howitzer was a towed heavy howitzer developed by the United States Army and used during World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. Post-WWII it was also adopted by a number of other nations in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.
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