Peugeot 206 WRC - Wikipedia
The Peugeot 206 WRC is a World Rally Car based on the Peugeot 206. It was used by Peugeot Sport, Peugeot's factory team, in the World Rally Championship from 1999 to 2003. The car …
Peugeot 206 WRC history and technical infos - Rallycars
The 206 WRC follows the new wave (fashion?) in rally car design in that it is, like the Toyota Corolla and Ford Focus, very compact. The car has a lot more in common with its illustrious …
RCFans论坛 标致206WRC-王者归来 - Powered by Discuz!
2021年10月4日 · 1999年,206 WRC开始了其征战生涯,当年在意大利拉力赛中夺冠。 2000、2001及2002年,凭借在瑞典雪地、意大利公路及澳大利亚泥地上的一连串胜利,标致206 …
[技术贴]拉力赛版本的206是怎样练成的 - 汽车之家
2009年7月12日 · wrc是四驱车,有后驱动桥和中央差速器;而民用版本(包括gti版本)都是前驱车; 参加wrc比赛的206赛车完全是与量产车截然不同的另一种结构。wrc版206底盘采用麦弗逊式 …
Peugeot 206 WRC - Last Lion on the Top of the World - SnapLap
2016年12月10日 · It was the 307 WRC, based on the production coupe cabriolet model 307CC. In total, Peugeot 206 WRC was a victorious car twenty-four times, mostly (15 times) in the hands …
206 WRC - Peugeot Sport
2022年10月1日 · The 206 WRC made its debut in WRC at the Tour de Course 1999 with François Delecour and Gilles Panizzi. She acccumulated a total of 25 victories, 3 manufacturer titles …
WRC的王者—标致206WRC模型 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
1999年,206 WRC开始了其征战生涯,当年在意大利拉力赛中夺冠。 2000、2001及2002年,凭借在瑞典雪地、意大利公路及澳大利亚泥地上的一连串胜利,标致206 WRC连续三年取得了 …
Peugeot 206 WRC in the World Rally Championship
The Peugeot 206 WRC played a significant role in Peugeot's motorsport history and left a lasting impact on the World Rally Championship. Its championship-winning performances and …
Marcus Grönholm led Peugeot back to success with the 206 WRC
2018年6月3日 · As part of the preparation of the Rally of Finland, Marcus Grönholm was enrolled in Finnish Mäntta Rally, where he was able to obtain the first victory of the 206 WRC, ahead of …
1999 Peugeot 206 WRC | Girardo & Co
Not only does this magnificent WRC car boast an entirely traceable race history, including its stint as a Works Peugeot at the vital beginnings of the 206 WRC programme, but it’s also …