20 mm caliber - Wikipedia
20 mm caliber is a specific size of popular autocannon ammunition. The dividing line between smaller-caliber weapons, commonly called "guns", from larger-caliber "cannons" (e.g. machine gun vs. autocannon), is conventionally taken to be the 20 mm round, the smallest caliber of …
M61 Vulcan - Wikipedia
The M61 Vulcan is a hydraulically, electrically, or pneumatically driven, six- barrel, air-cooled, electrically fired Gatling-style rotary cannon which fires 20 mm × 102 mm (0.787 in × 4.016 in) rounds at an extremely high rate (typically 6,000 rounds per minute).
20mm x 102 PGU Ammunition PGU-27A/B – PGU-28A/B – PGU …
The 20mm x 102 PGU Suite has an optimized aero ballistic shape that reduces time-of-flight and increased velocity at range for increased probability of hit.
20x102mm – CBC Defense Archive | CBC Defense
Traced training cartridge suitable for use on M39 and M61 cannons. It may be offered linked with the TP version, in different configurations. Armor-piercing Incendiary operational cartridge …
【图片】【科普】20mm - 40mm小口径炮弹汇总【枪炮世界吧】_ …
神奇的小尾巴应该可以带十五个字! 【科普】20mm -..最近又翻译了一点资料, 整理下发出来关于20-40mm 口径炮弹的, 图片和文字资料的来源不同, 可能不是一一对应.想必这套图很多人都有了, 文字介绍可能还有部分遗漏的地方. 见谅20x70RB德国.
20mm×102mm炮弹和14.5mm×114mm枪弹相比,哪个的威力更 …
14.5mm×114mm枪弹的极限穿深接近20mm×102mm炮弹,但是后效差距巨大。 实战中20mm×102mm炮弹有更好的的存速能力,所以实战条件下20mm的作战效能更高。 反对另一位答主的意见. 14.5×114枪口动能大约30kJ. 20×102 炮口动能 大约70kJ. 这俩就干脆不是一个级别的玩意,20炮比14.5重机威力大他没说错,但可不是差距不大,而是差距非常的大. 20炮弹不只有14.5机枪弹两倍以上水平的初始动能,还因为有其将近2.5倍的弹丸重量拥有更小的 风偏 和更 …
20 mm x 102 MP LD M70 and MP LD M70 A1 - Nammo | Nammo
The 20 mm x 102 Multipurpose Low-Drag (MP LD) round is the superior aircraft ammunition, designed to defeat multi-spectrum target types up to light armored vehicles. The projectile’s low-drag design maintains higher velocity and reduces the time of flight, compared to the M50 series.
Box volume 0.36 m3, mass 41 kg. The fuze comprises: a body assembly, a rotor assembly, and a booster assembly. The delayed arming distance varies between 7 m to 12 m after it leaves the muzzle of the cannon. Before firing the projectile, rotor and firing pin are locked in position by the rotor safety spring.
20 mm x 102 Multipurpose M70 A2 - Nammo
The 20 mm x 102 Multipurpose ammunition is designed to defeat targets ranging from all kinds of aircraft to light armored vehicles. The round has ballistics equal to M50 series rounds and is used on both fighter aircraft and attack helicopters.
Ammunition 20x102 mm - STV GROUP
20x102 mm air cannon ammunition suite provides broad target spectrum capability with enhanced and optimized ballistics to gain maximum efficiency against personnel, lightly armored targets, or shelters and bunkers.