Swiss–German Anti-Tank Rifles at War: The Solothurn S18-100 Anti …
2023年6月1日 · 20x105B. This cartridge was developed in the interwar years by Solothurn, a Swiss company closely associated with Rheinmetall (Germany being banned from developing certain armaments by the Treaty of Versailles). As it is the smaller of the two 20mm rounds developed by Solothurn, it is commonly known as the “Short Solothurn.”
CHE - Solothurn S-18 : Switzerland (CHE) - armedconflicts.com
This rifle originally used the 20x105B cartridge which was a very rare cartridge, it was used in the S18-100 and S18-154 models, due to the small spread of the cartridge the weapon was redesigned to the more common 20x138B cartridge which was used by anti-aircraft guns (e.g. FLAK 38), these guns were designated S18-1000.
【图片】【科普】20mm - 40mm小口径炮弹汇总【枪炮世界吧】_ …
关于20-40mm 口径炮弹的, 图片和文字资料的来源不同, 可能不是一一对应. 想必这套图很多人都有了, 文字介绍可能还有部分遗漏的地方. 见谅. 还有吗? ,我收藏了慢慢看. 发纯图片试试? 小口径炮弹弹头不装药的吧? 最近在设定机炮炮弹。 这看得我很是疑惑. 炮弹的直径,长度,是否与作战环境(海陆空),载具以及用途有关? 为了适应这种需求,是不是也要加大口径,增长弹壳长? 最喜欢这个口径的速射炮。 无论声音还是杀伤。 神奇的小尾巴应该可以带十五个字! 【科普 …
2019年4月1日 · 今天要说的S18-1000的原型是S18-100,但今天不说它的原型。两者的弹药有区别,虽然同为20mm。但100的是20x105B,而1000的是20x138B,后者也是德军2cm flak防空炮和2cm Kwk坦克炮(二号坦克)上用的弹药。哦,忘了说,这种弹药名义上也是苏罗通设计的。
Solothurn S18-100 S18-1000 - Modern Firearms
Solothurn S18-100 anti-tank rifle was equipped with iron sights, adjustable for range between 100 and 1500 meters, and an optional 2.5X telescopic sight can be installed for more accurate fire.
For the Record: A "Short" History of Anti-Tank Rifles - Blogger
2013年4月25日 · The S-18/100 was developed in the early 1930s and was to fire the massive 20x105B round. The S-18/100 fired semi-automatically from either a 5 or 10 round magazine. It was 69 inches long (1760 mm) and weighed 99 lbs (45 kg). The S-18/100 fired the massive 20 mm round at 762 m/s and could penetrate ~27 mm of armor up to 300 meters.
Solothurn S18-100 Bullpup Anti-Tank / Anti-Material Rifle (AMR)
2016年5月9日 · From this came the classic tanks that dotted the World War 2 (1939-1945) landscape, particularly in the European Theater and brought tank warfare into the forefront of modern combat. The prominence of tanks forced engineers to develop man-portable, armor-defeating systems in turn.
二战中和二战后20机..二战时期:20x70RB-Becker, 20x72RB-厄利孔FF/日本海军99-1式, 20x80RB-德国MG-FF, 20x82mm-毛瑟MG 151/20, 20x94mm-日本 ...
20mm M1940 ANTI-TANKID PÜSSI - Quartermaster Section
In 1936 the Estonian military purchased four Solothurn S18-100 anti-tanks rifles and these were well received by the army and plans were made to adopted the weapon and build their own, without gaining a licence. They managed to build 21 which brought the total up to 25. They were issued to infantry regiments.
S-18/100 - Quartermaster Section
20mm (20x105B) Elevation [@elevation] Traverse [@gun_traverse] Cartridge Weight [@cartridge_weight] Round Weight: 2.345gr (152g) Barrel Length: 925mm: Overall Length: 1.760mm: Grenade Types [@grenade_types] Mount: Bi-Pod: Combat Weight: 40.5 kg: Operation: Semi-Automatic: Cooling System [@cooling] Sights: Folding Front &Tangent Rear: Feed ...