21st TSC
21st Theater Sustainment Command External Links - The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by U.S. Army or U.S. Army Europe and Africa of the linked website or the information, products or services contained therein.For other than authorized activities such as military exchanges and U.S. Army Morale, Welfare and Recreation sites, the U.S. Army or …
21st TSC - United States Army
The 21st Theater Sustainment Command is lead organization for all sustainment activities for U.S. Army Europe. Team 21 provides combat engineers, military police and medical professionals during partnership training and other operations supporting U.S. Army Europe, NATO, U.S. European Command, U.S. Africa Command and U.S. Central Command.
21st Theater Sustainment Command > Units - United States Army
The 21st Theater Sustainment Command is U.S. Army Europe and Africa's lead organization for all sustainment activities including logistics support, transportation, combat sustainment, human resources, finance, contracting and all other areas in the field of sustainment. The 21st TSC also serves as the responsible headquarters for Strong Europe ...
Leadership - United States Army
21st Theater Sustainment Command Search. Search 21st TSC: Search. Search 21st TSC: Search. Home Who We Are. Leadership Mission History Inspector General Staff Judge Advocate What We Do. Competitions. Expert Soldier Badge Units. 7th Engineer Brigade. 15th Engineer Battalion, Engineer ...
21st Theater Sustainment Command > Who We Are > History
The history of the U.S. Army's 21st Theater Sustainment Command (21st TSC) extends back for more than half a century. In 1951, U.S. Army Europe and Africa (USAREUR-AF) established a separate command to handle logistics functions in its Area of Operations (AOR) that lasted until 1974. Called U.S. Army Communications Zone Europe, or COMZEUR, this ...
Welcome to Team 21! - United States Army
Welcome to Team 21! The 21st Theater Sustainment Command is the lead organization for all sustainment activities for U.S. Army Europ e and Africa.Team 21 provides combat engineers, military police and medical professionals during partnership training and other operations supporting U.S. Army Europe and Africa, NATO, U.S. European Command, U.S. Africa …
21st Theater Sustainment Command > Who We Are > Mission
MAINTAINING FIRST IN SUPPORT. 21st Theater Sustainment Command is U.S. Army Europe and Africa's lead organization for all sustainment activities including logistics support, transportation, combat sustainment, human resources, finance, contracting and all other areas in the field of sustainment.. Team 21 also serves as the responsible headquarters for USAREUR …
Maj. Gen. Ronald R. Ragin, Commanding General > 21st Theater ...
There are times that the names and images of 21st Theater Sustainment Command leadership have been used to fraudulently victimize or scam well-meaning people. You will NEVER receive a personal friend request, or a request for money, from any of Team 21's leadership. If you are talking to someone claiming to be a current or past general officer ...
21st Theater Sustainment Command Fact Sheet - United States Army
Team 21 is a NATO ready, theater responsive, Soldier-focused, cohesive team providing scalable mission command and sustainment capabilities to combatant commanders and Regionally Aligned Forces in an increasingly complex environment. HISTORY: U.S. Army's 21st Theater Sustainment Command extends back for more than half a century. In 1951, U.S ...
Contact Us Now - United States Army
21st Theater Sustainment Command Staff Sections; 21 TSC Current Operations Integration Cell (COIC) (24 Hours) Commercial 0611-143523-0500 DSN 314-523-0500 Watch Desk ; Commercial 0611-143523-0764 DSN 314-523-0764 Watch Officer; Newcomers and Sponsorship; Jobs, Internships, and Joining the Army; Employment Verification; FOIA