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NJ 211 is a trusted resource for connecting individuals and families with vital community services. As New Jersey's comprehensive information and referral organization, we are dedicated to helping residents navigate life’s challenges, from housing and food assistance to healthcare and disaster support.
About NJ 211 - NJ 2-1-1 Partnership
NJ 211: a go-to nonprofit in New Jersey, offering essential services through our 211 Service. We connect residents with health and human service programs, providing a 24/7 hotline and an extensive online directory of over 6,300 government and nonprofit resources.
Get Help with Food for You or Your Family
The fastest way to get connected with food support is to contact NJ 211 and see if you qualify. Call 2-1-1; Text your zip code to 898-211; Live chat with a representative; Email [email protected]; Search for resources at nj211.org; NJ 211 is available 24/7 and can help find you support for:
State Homeless Hotline - NJ 2-1-1 Partnership
NJ 211 serves as the state homeless hotline, connecting individuals experiencing homelessness with vital community resources to break the cycle. During business hours, individuals are directed to their local County Social Service Agency for assistance with emergency housing.
New Jersey Office of Emergency Management - NJ 211 Assist
In the event of a community emergency 2-1-1 acts as a public information point for information in coordination with Emergency Management professionals. 2-1-1 responds immediately during times of crisis, to field calls regarding the crisis and to direct callers to …
NJ 211 Township of Montclair, NJ
NJ 211 provides live assistance 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Our services are free, confidential and multilingual. There are several ways to reach us: Website https://nj211.org; By phone (simply dial 2-1-1) Via text (send your zip code to 898-211) By email ([email protected]) Chat with us online. Search our social service directory
This site will help to see if you are eligible for food assistance (SNAP), cash assistance (WFNJ/TANF or WFNJ/GA), and health Insurance (NJ FamilyCare/Medicaid). From there you can apply for services or learn about additional resources.
Contact Us | NJ 2-1-1 Partnership
About NJ 211. Our History; Our Team; Board of Trustees; Products & Services; Support Our Work; Partners; Impact. Dashboard; Annual Reports; In the Community; Programs; Service Providers. Get Listed; Update Your Listing; Media. News; Contact Us Dial 211 or 1-877-652-1148 Follow the prompts for assistance
NJ 211 Partnership - LinkedIn
NJ 211 is a non-profit and nationally accredited information and referral service that began in 2002 when the United Ways of New Jersey spearheaded efforts to give people-in-need a central ...
NJ 2-1-1 To Get Help or Give Help - United Way of Central Jersey
For free and confidential information and referrals in New Jersey, contact NJ 211: CALL : 2-1-1 or 877-NJ2114U (877-652-1148) EMAIL : [email protected]. WEB : www.nj211.org. TEXT: Text your zip code to 898-211. NJ 211 also serves as MIddlesex County's Homeless Hotline for individuals who are homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless. Food ...