fighting a cvc 22106, advice please | Forum.FreeAdvice.com
2013年4月29日 · What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? California Situation; 1 way road, I'm parked far left side, with a hummer behind me and an SUV in front of me boxed in pretty good. Had to make a 4 point turn just to get angled correctly to pull out. I …
"Unsafe Start" CVC22106 - Need advice. | Forum.FreeAdvice.com
2011年6月12日 · From what you describe, the parking lot is an "offstreet parking facility" as defined in CVC 12500 (c). However, the section cited still would not apply unless the lot was publicly maintained. If the lot is privately owned and privately maintained, then 22106 should not apply. However, if your vehicle lost traction and you were lighting the tires up in the lot, the officer might have been able ...
Who has right-of-way in a parking lot? | Forum.FreeAdvice.com
2016年6月15日 · Insurance companies assign fault on their own schedule - not based upon CA state law. So even if this had happened on a highway where CVC 22106 might apply, there would be no assurance that an insurance company would view your mother-in-law as blameless. The CHP officer is correct - 22106 does NOT apply in parking lots.
Motorcycle parked in 13c - crosshatch/out of stall - CVC 22507.8(C)
2013年5月10日 · In San Diego California, in a 6 story parking garage at my work, the motorcycle parking has 8 stalls which are behind a series of metal guard parking pillars. The motorcycle parking spaces are also beside the handicapped parking spots, and what they have done is paint the blue crosshatched lines...
question regarding traffic school & VC 22349 - forum.freeadvice.com
2005年3月4日 · CdwJava said: CVC 22349. (a) Except as provided in Section 22356, no person may drive a vehicle upon a highway at a speed greater than 65 miles per hour. A "correctable violation" simply refers to a violation that may be corrected and then signed off by a peace officer, court officer, or DMV employee as being fixed.
San Diego Speed Survey required in last 5 years or 7 years?
2010年4月23日 · I am confused by CVC 40802 as it states the definition of a "speed trap" twice where in one paragraph it states that a speed survey needs to be conducted within 5 years prior to the violation date, and another paragraph states 7 years. Which is correct? I would like to know whether I am in the clear since it was just over 5 years!
Speeding over advisory speed limit, can they legally give you a …
2008年1月5日 · Califorina. Ive been to traffic school before and the officer told me that the officers only give tickets where there is regulatory signs that show the mandated speed limits. he also told us that advisory signs only show what that road is rated.In California, the …
Advice on a wierd ticket..CA 21461(a) for no parking
2009年12月30日 · You have to keep in mind that this will all depend on whether the officer will testify that he cited you for the "no parking violation" or for violating the "Emergency Parking Only" sign (I think that is CVC 21718) and if it is the latter, then your argument that 21461 (a) does not apply to acts constituting violations under Chapter 9 ...
How to fight cigarette throwing ticket in California? | Forum ...
2002年11月7日 · What is the name of your state? California I got a citation for throwing a lighted cigarette onto a street from my car (CVC 23111) for dropping the unlit cigarette filter onto the the roadway while stopped at an intersection. My son was …
Is it illigal to park infront of you own drive way curb
2016年4月12日 · CVC 22500 (e) In front of a public or private driveway, except that a bus engaged as a common carrier, schoolbus, or a taxicab may stop to load or unload passengers when authorized by local authorities pursuant to an ordinance. The state law states that you cannot park in front of ANY driveway. No exception for it being your own.