High Speed Greases - IKV Lubricants
IKV-TRIBOSTAR MBK 222 grease is ideal for the lubrication of bearings, journals or heavily loaded articulations functioning in an aqueous environment. Applications include pumps, electric motors, washing machines, conveyor systems and transfer rollers.
TRIBOSTAR MLK 222 - IKV Tribology - Bearings - Acid Resistant
TRIBOSTAR MLK 222 is a special barium complex soap thickened grease based upon a medium viscosity mineral oil, offering superb resistance to water washout, steam, acid and alkaline solutions.
IKV-TRIBOSTAR MBK 222全合成润滑脂 - fulube.com
ikv-tribostar ebk 22是钡复合增稠的全合成润滑脂,专为高速滚针轴承和主轴轴承而设计,在高速滚针轴承和主轴轴承中,需要具有极高速度因数的润滑脂,并且必须能够抵抗切削液和水的侵入。
IKV-TRIBOSTAR MBK 222全合成润滑脂原装进口现货 - 1688.com
ikv-tribostar mbk 222是一种特殊的钡复合皂增稠润滑脂,基于中等粘度的矿物油,具有耐水洗,蒸汽,酸和碱溶液的性能,需要长期润滑部件。 IKV-TRIBOSTAR MBK 222具有出色的抗磨损和抗腐蚀性能,并且对金属具有出色的附着力,耐高温性和机械稳定性。
IKV - fulube.com
IKV Tribology Ltd总部位于英国,位于南威尔士州蒙茅斯附近,专门研究高性能润滑剂和润滑。 IKV集团提供全系列的合成油,高性能,高温和低温润滑脂,流体和干膜涂料。
北方不落的三皇冠——瑞典装甲发展史(现代篇) - 知乎
Ikv Hägglund方案一,采用限定旋转且低矮的炮塔提高隐蔽性能,俯角可低至11度。整车重达12.8吨,采用三人车组配置,载弹48发,最高时速85km/h。 Ikv Hägglund方案二,采用后置低矮炮塔。驾驶员与后置战斗室之间被发动机隔开。
Catalog - IKV Tribologie
IKV-TRIBOFLON MYA FG range . Thanks to this experience, IKV offers a range of special fluorinated greases with extreme High Temperature stability and a high resistance to steam, water and corrosion without the need to use Sodium Nitrite.
Ikv 91-105 | War Thunder Wiki
The ikv 91-105 was an upgrade program meant to fulfil the needs of the Indian army for a new amphibious light tank. Although it never reached production or service with any army, it was considered by Sweden as an upgrade for their regular ikv 91s.
瑞典线练车攻略系列<5> Ikv 65A II评测 - 17173
2017年1月12日 · 机动性上Ikv 65A II比犀牛要好一些,直线能跑到50以上,犀牛只有40。 但是,这个车的转向又是个问题。 对于一台无炮塔TD而言,转向是非常重要的,然而这个Ikv 65A II的转向,可以说非常糟糕。
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We provide platforms meeting security requirements for a wide range of criteria. From basic authentication and encryption to complex key management and countermeasures against hardware attacks, IKV provides a holistic and tailor-made security mechanism based on customers' threat models.
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