What is the difference between .38 caliber and .22? - TheGunZone
2024年2月18日 · .38 caliber and .22 caliber refer to the diameter of the bullet in inches. The .38 caliber is larger at .357 inches, while the .22 caliber is much smaller at .222 inches.
.22 rifle vs. .38 handgun - The Firearms Forum
2008年9月29日 · A 38 special has a heavier bullet with a larger diameter and will penetrate to a vital whereas a 22 LR is problematic for penetration. The 38 was the LE cartridge for many years and can still do the job with the right bullet.
.22 Mag Vs. .38 Special - American Handgunner
Compared to similar .38 Special/.357 Magnum models they offer increased cartridge capacity (seven rounds vs. five), along with much lighter recoil and a milder report. The theory, and it’s not an unreasonable one, is it’s better to hit with a .22 Magnum than to flinch and miss with a …
Trail gun, 22lr or 38special? | Glock Talk
2018年1月15日 · I know that with good enough shot placement you can take down anything with a 22lr. I like the 38 special for it's power mainly, and that I can take small game and fill the same duties as the 22lr, plus some, but at the cost of added recoil, muzzle blast, and cost. Also, 50 rounds of 38 just doesn't pack the same as 50 or 100 rounds of 22lr.
Why I’d Rather Carry a .22 LR Over a .380 ACP - GunMag Warehouse
2024年3月22日 · Speaking of ten rounds, the LCP II in .22 LR can hold ten rounds, whereas every pocket .380 ACP I’ve encountered can only hold six rounds. Four more shots is an …
.22 LR Rifle VS .38 Special Snub Nose! Same Energy? Scientific …
And that is, if you put a high end .22 LR round in a rifle so that it has about 150 ft lbs energy, and you compare it to a .38 Special in a snub nose revolver that has 150 ft lbs energy, will...
Handgun Caliber Guide: .22LR, 9mm, .380, .357, and more - The …
2024年7月25日 · Only the 10 mm comes close to the performance of a full-sized .357 Magnum cartridge in a semi-automatic pistol. The ammunition isn’t very expensive, and every .357 …
.22 LR VS .38 Special - Cheap Ammo Test - YouTube
2023年10月27日 · Testing cheap .38 Special with Federal Train+Protect 158 gr LSWCHP VS .22 LR Winchester Super-X Power Point 40 gr copper washed hollow points. Testing in 10% Clear Ballistics gel.
Testing 380 vs 22 - AmmoMan School of Guns Blog
A 22 LR case is just over 0.6 inches long, with a bullet diameter of 0.223 inches. A 380 ACP case, on the other hand, is just about as long (0.68 inches) but the bullet it fires is 0.355 inches in diameter.
.38 spl & .22mag about the same? - The Firing Line Forums
2009年6月13日 · Loaded 8-up in a snubby, it is not useless as a self defense weapon. 38 is better, but the 22maggie is one of those rounds that we're glad to have around for special …
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