.22LR stopping power? | The High Road
2003年9月16日 · First off, I understand that the .22LR is nothing compared to 9mm or .45 ACP, placement is key, and that it's better than nothing. So, how well does a premium .22LR Hollow point fired from a handgun perform on its own? Is it still …
22LR Ammo gone? | The High Road
2009年3月25日 · I was going plinking yesterday so I stopped by a local gun store to pick up some ammo. The owner is a friend of mine, but tends to exagerate. He said that he is almost out of 22 ammo and he doesn't see any comming in the near future. He said that almost everyone is out. I checked two other...
Anyone else transition from .22LR to .45ACP in one setting | The …
2010年4月30日 · So yesterday I am at the range with my newly acquired Walther P22 and decided to start with it since I had more .22LR ammo to train with than .45ACP.
Best 22 pocket auto | The High Road
2003年9月10日 · The only one that is small and reliable in my experience is the Beretta 21A. With ammo it likes, it hasn't jammed on me yet. It doesn't like Winchester X-pert or Winchester Wildcat ammo but will feed many other types of cheap and expensive (relative to .22lr) ammo 100%. I carry CCI Stingers and shoot cheap Remington ammo for fun and practice.
22LR Accuracy | The High Road
2006年7月9日 · I am shooting a Ruger MKII 22LR at 25yds, Red Dot scope, benchrested, I can shoot 1 1/2" groups all day but I am unable to get a group with all the holes touching one another...I have tried all the different ammos to no avail, they seem to all shoot about the same ( solids, 40gr). Any and all...
PMC Rimfire Ammo | The High Road
2011年2月3日 · Looks like PMC has started making rimfire ammo again.Cheaperthandirt and Ammunitiontogo have PMC Sidewinder .22lr 40gr ammo. I had a few bricks of this stuff a few years ago. It was very accurate and reliable. Lets hope the new is as good as the old.
free 525 pack of rem 22lr | The High Road
2014年10月21日 · Just a fyi. Right now If you buy a Remington or marlin 22lr from dicks remlin will mail you a 525 pack of 22lr for free. and all of the Remingtons and Marlins are on sale at dicks. So if you were in the market for one of the above, arnt boycotting dicks or remlin , …
Rechamber .22LR? | The High Road
2011年6月8日 · A friend of mine is inheriting an older lever action chambered in .22 short. Would it be possible to have a gunsmith ream that out to .22LR? .22 short isn’t exactly as cheap or readily available as .22LR.
Beretta NEOS 22LR for plinking?? | The High Road
2010年5月18日 · I've been looking for a 22LR semi-auto for a camp plinker, and like the fit and price of the Beretta NEOS (I know it is just plain UGLY). Points well for me and seams to be built will for that price range of gun. I've been told that they will eat any ammo, which is a real plus for a 22LR as most...
What is your personal favorite Ammo for a 22lr? | Page 2 | The …
2010年4月12日 · I agree about the CCI mini mags. Its worth the extra couple bucks compared to the cheap stuff, extremely consistent and ive never had a dud or jam using...