CA Violation 23152 (A) VC / 23152(B) VC what do these charges …
2009年11月15日 · 23152 (b) VC is a per se charge, meaning, you are in violation of 23152 (b) VC if your blood or breath alcohol test reveals a result of 0.08% or more. 23152 (a) VCis a catch …
Why does 23152 (A) VC-DUI Alchol say "Dispo: …
2024年7月24日 · 23152 (a) VC deals with driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If your record says "Dispo: Dismissed/Furtherance of Justice" then it indicates that this charge was …
I got a DUI and being charged with vc23152 (a) (b) and …
2013年10月4日 · "Two counts" of VC 23578 might mean you're charged with both a high BAC and a refusal, or it might mean that you have the high BAC allegation on both your VC 23152 (a) …
Expungement of 23152(a) and (b) - Avvo.com
2012年2月14日 · One can expunge his DUI convictions under PC section 1203.4 or 1203.4a. VC section 13555 just says this expungement doesn't affect priorability of offenses or suspension …
23152 (a) vc : r/DUICalifornia - Reddit
2023年7月25日 · Whats the difference between 23152 (a) vc & 23152 (b) vc I got 23152 (a) vc dui when I got out of jail but the first court date officer didn’t present anything. Waiting for first …
What is the first court date on notice to appear? Is that the ...
2021年11月14日 · They charged me with 23152 (A) VC and 23152 (B) VC. 23152 (A) VC charge is driving under the influence and 23152 (B) VC charge is driving with a blood alcohol …
VC 23152 (A) For Marijuana : r/legaladvice - Reddit
2014年1月20日 · 23152 (a) and (b) cover alcohol. 23152 (e) covers "any drug". If the officer arrested you based on suspicion of being under the influence of marijuana, his writing (a) on …
Advice to give to friend for DUI offense. : r/DUICalifornia - Reddit
2024年1月17日 · Advice to give to friend for DUI offense. So my friend got a ticket last weekend and it reads VC 23152 (a) and VC 23152 (b)
Got charged with 23152 (a) VC. 23152 (b) VC. I do not have a …
2010年11月12日 · Got charged with 23152 (a) VC. 23152 (b) VC. I do not have a license, what steps should I take?
Was charged both statue VC23152 (A) -M and VC23153 (B) -M so …
2014年8月22日 · Vehicle Code §23152 is driving under the influence and 23153 is DUI causing injury. Subsection (a) means impaired by consuming too much alcohol and subsection (b) …