23×152mmB - Wikipedia
The 23×152mmB[2] is a large-caliber cartridge used by the USSR / CIS in the VYa-23 aircraft autocannon the Ilyushin Il-2 ground attack aircraft and in the 2A7 and 2A14 autocannons on the ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft gun series and ZSU-23-4 "Shilka", among others.
战斗民族还能嫌航炮威力太大?二战苏联VYa-23航炮和23x152mmB …
2023年3月3日 · 23x152mmB穿甲燃烧弹弹头重196g,主体用普通碳钢制造,中间镶嵌着一颗钝尖头的淬火钢芯,头部还有风帽,弹体和风帽之间填充燃烧剂,早期弹的风帽为铝制,后改为钢板冲压成型。
听说苏联人拿14.5机枪弹扩口,研发23mm航炮弹,这可是真的?_ …
2023年3月16日 · 由于战时另开一套全新的航炮弹生产线代价高昂,也不利于马上投入批量生产,所以他们为新航炮设计的炮弹直接沿用23x152mmB弹的弹头,药筒则在14.5x114mm机枪/反坦克枪弹基础上扩口,塞进这个23mm弹头,变成了23x115mm航炮弹(所以“14.5机枪弹扩口”不是段 …
2023年10月26日 · 二战末期,苏联将14.5x114反坦克步枪弹扩口到23mm,装上23x152B的弹头,成为一种兼顾弹头威力和后坐力,比较均衡的23x115航炮弹。 NS-23、NR-23用的23x115mm旧弹,从上到下分别为曳光杀伤燃烧榴弹(ОЗТ)、穿甲燃烧弹(БЗ)和实心训练弹(ЛП),特征是弹头呈流线型,引信较小。 源自A-12.7航空机枪的AM-23航炮也发射23x115航炮弹,但与NS-23、NR-23的弹稍有不同,它的弹头比旧23x115弹略轻,杀伤榴弹重175g(旧23x115杀伤榴 …
图说枪弹弹壳 - 知乎
苏联“石勒喀河”自行高炮使用的23x152mmB炮弹 除了枪弹外,一些小口径自动炮弹药也有使用底带式底缘的。 如30毫米阿登(ADEN)航炮弹(30x113mmB)、30毫米AK230舰用自动炮炮弹(30x210mmB)、苏联23毫米高炮弹(23x152mmB)等。
會什麼機炮,會出現23mm這種不上不下的口徑? 為什麼公制單位 …
谢邀 因为苏联的23mm来源于vya23的23x152mm,定位是比20mm毁伤更强的机炮,动能8.8万焦耳是20x99mm的3倍多。 大概这个23x152mm弹药是介于20mm和25mm之间的程度。 至于二 …
23×152mm | Military Wiki | Fandom
The 23x152B mm used by the USSR/CIS in the VYa-23 Aircraft Gun on the Ilyushin Il-2 ground attack aircraft and in the 2A7 and 2A14 autocannons on the ZU-23 anti-aircraft gun series and ZSU-23-4 "Shilka", among others.
23x152mm Round - with HEI-T Projectile High Explosive
The 23 mm Round with High Explosive Incendiary Tracer Projectile is intended to engage air and ground targets. The round is fitted with delayed action, self-destruct fuze. The ammunition is safe in transport, storage and handling and ensures the reliable performance of the gun systems in all weather conditions.
23 x 152 mm Rounds - Supply and Deliver - HARTFORD
As one of the nations leading arms brokers, we provide a variety of different 23 x 152 mm rounds that are ideal for numerous scenarios. These rounds are designed to be fired from the 23 mm …
23×152mmB | Military Wiki | Fandom
The 23×152mmB[1] is a large-caliber cartridge used by the USSR/CIS in the VYa-23 aircraft autocannon the Ilyushin Il-2 ground attack aircraft and in the 2A7 and 2A14 autocannons on the ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft gun series and ZSU-23-4 "Shilka", among others.