M60 vs M240 vs M249 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2014年1月3日 · But for those who have, between the M60, M240, and M249, what was the most accurate machine gun the US has available right now? And if you had to carry a machine gun, and knew there was gonna be some distance involved (500-1000yd), what would you pick?
Is the new M60E6 machine gun better than the M240?
2021年6月1日 · But as Chris Cappy explains, the M60E4 is a new and improved version that is lighter and more reliable. But the real question is whether or not this resurrected version is better than the U.S....
美军M240机枪比M60优势体现在哪里? - 知乎
相比之下,M240虽然设计落后,但质量也确实不错,能在精度和可靠性上完爆M60。 虽然又沉又长,但加工简单,性能说得过去。 台湾省上个世纪也仿制了M60,然后他们对M60也是恶评连连,最后也换了MAG。 但好歹M60是枪机回转闭锁,经过一系列改进,丹麦在最近的通用机枪选型中还是选择了M60E6,这也证明了枪机回转闭锁才是未来。 在1974年,美军测试M73/219机枪时,把美国的M60E2、德国的MG3、英国的L7A2、法国的AAT NF1、加拿大的C1、苏联 …
M240与M60有什么区别? - 知乎
2018年11月17日 · m240和m60完全是两把枪. m60是美国基于fg42开发的,替换原来的m1919勃朗宁机枪,m240是fn mag的美国版本,替换m60. 具体可以看枪炮世界的,很详细. m60机枪系列简介 ――〖枪炮世界〗 m240系列 ――〖枪炮世界〗
M60机枪为什么被M240替代了? - 知乎
2018年3月20日 · M60的自动机结构是借鉴了纳粹德国的FG42伞兵自动步枪,FG42原型枪射速太高,900发/分,后来改成650发/分,结果到了美国人手里,不知道怎么搞的改得更低了,只有550发/分了。 射速太高如MG42当然不好,可是射速太低也不好,压制能力就差了。 而且M60的导气装置不可调节,射速不可调。 2、击发机构故障率高。 连续发射后击发机构可能会“滑机”,就是松开了扳机阻铁还挂不住枪机,机枪不受控制地连续发射。 妈的谁敢用? 3、枪管热容量低, …
M60、M240和M249三种机枪性能谁最好? - 百度知道
2009年4月1日 · m60、m240和m249三种机枪性能谁最好? 美国M60理论射速550发,射速较低,连发时比较容易控制射弹数,精度略高;M240理论射速750发到850发,M240(比利时FN.MAG)设计加工比较优良,气体调节器设计尤为突出,在比M60射
What's the difference between the M60 and M240B?
2017年1月19日 · The 240 is based on the FN MAG 58 which is a GPMG (or medium machine gun) designed for supporting infantry attacks. The Marine Corps first used it in the coaxial and pintle mode on the LAV-25 which went into service in 1983. At that time the M60 was the medium machine gun used in Infantry battalions.
Troop opinions on the M60 vs M240 : r/WarCollege - Reddit
2020年11月4日 · The 240 is much more maintenance-friendly and it's assembly and disassembly closely mirrors the M-249. The quick change barrel on the 240 is a lot better, and the downward brass ejection ensures that you don't burn the hell out of people next to you.
M60 vs. M240? - AR15.COM
2011年3月19日 · 240 smokes the 60 any day of the week in my opinion. 240 is much more reliable. 240 is far easier to make repairs and do maintenance on. It only goes together one way. You can have rounds on the feed tray with the bolt forward (make sure the bolt is forward before you put the rounds on the tray ) 240 has a much lower risk of a runaway
M240 vs M60 - The Firing Line Forums
2002年7月20日 · The US military recently adopted the Belgian-designed M240 machine gun to replace the older M-60's. Someone told me that we should have made that choice 40 years ago. How exactly is the M240 better than the M60?
The M60 VS the M240/MAG58 What is the better machine gun ... - AR15.COM
2013年6月18日 · I say go with a peared down M-60 E4 or SAW in a 6mm caliber in the 100-130 grain range. The 240D is designed to be mounted and fired by one person, but not mobile (as in on foot). They are both pretty much the same role.
Why the M60 is better than the M240 : r/NonCredibleHistory - Reddit
2023年2月16日 · the M60 barrel has an integrated bipod instead of an integrated carry handle, meaning that you have to carry extra weight, but in exchange for that you have a bipod closer to the muzzle which helps with accuracy and gives you leverage when you use it as your grabbing surface to quick change barrels versus using the carry handle located at the ...
[BF4]Do you guys prefer the M240B or the M60? : r/Battlefield
2014年4月13日 · The m240 is a great weapon, able to providing suppression fire from a fixed position while not feeling too cumbersome for its type while moving and assaulting. The M60 has the strongest suppression modifier in its class and can compensate for its low rate of …
The M240 and the Best Machine Guns | Rock Island Auction
2023年10月25日 · Though the M240 is heavier than the M60, the M240 is a more robust platform with a faster cyclic rate, and the weapon's popularity with militaries around the world is beyond dispute. For collectors, finding an M240 machine gun for sale is always an exciting event.
OK, M1919 vs. M60/M240? - AR15.COM
2011年3月20日 · The 240 and M60 have it beat in mobility and barrel changing and weight. But it is still a great machinegun. However the best machinegun for a static positon would be a water cooled 1917 or Vickers machine gun. They were utterly reliable and could sustain firing for tens of thousands of rounds.
M60 vs M240 vs M249 | Page 2 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2020年6月4日 · We're currently transitioning from the MC-4 to the RA-1 system and the new RA-1 flies and handles more All Up Weight than the MC-4 so the performance and landings are a lot …
Not New, But Improved: How the M60E6 Machine Gun Got …
2021年4月28日 · In independent torture testing by Dan Shea of Small Arms Defense Review, the M60E6 averaged around 8,300 mean rounds between failures, a figure better than the M60E4 or M240 during 1994 Army tests....
M240 vs M60 | TFL purple rc1
2002年7月20日 · The US military recently adopted the Belgian-designed M240 machine gun to replace the older M-60's. Someone told me that we should have made that choice 40...
Gun Review: M240 Machine Gun - The Truth About Guns
2014年12月12日 · Comparing the M60 and the 240 isn’t really fair. The 240 is pretty much the definition of a medium machine gun, while the 60 has always been a true light machine gun. The 60s biggest weakness was units using it way past its shelf life, and trying to us it …
The M240: A Complete Guide To Its Rate Of Fire And Performance
2024年11月22日 · M60: 500-600: 1,500 (Direct), 2,000 (Indirect) 7.62x51mm NATO: FN Minimi: 750-950: 1,500 (Direct), 2,000 (Indirect) 5.56x45mm NATO: As seen in the table, the M240 offers a higher rate of fire and extended effective range compared to the M60 and FN Minimi, making it a preferred choice for many military forces.