2,4-DB 200 Herbicide - WinField® United
2,4-D 200 herbicide can control smaller broadleaf weeds and suppress larger broadleaf weeds in soybean, alfalfa and other crop applications.
Butyrac / 2,4-DB | CALS - Cornell CALS
Chemical Name: 4- (2,4-dichlorophenoxy) butanoic acid. Chemical Family: Phenoxys. WSSA Resistance Group: 4. Crop/non-crop registration: Corn, seedling alfalfa, bird's foot trefoil, …
Butyrac 200 Herbicide (24DB Herbicide) - 1 Gallon Butyrac 200 ...
Butyrac 200 Herbicide (2,4DB Herbicide) 1 Gallon. PRODUCT SUGGESTION: We now carry Octivio (same AI as Raptor) in quarts and gallons. Octivio is a grass and broadleaf herbicide with superior broadleaf control and has some residual effect as well.
2,4-DB - Wikipedia
2,4-DB or 4- (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)butyric acid is a selective systemic phenoxy herbicide used to control many annual and perennial broad-leaf weeds in alfalfa, peanuts, soybeans, and other crops. Its active metabolite, 2,4-D, inhibits growth at the tips of stems and roots. It is classified in toxicity class III.
Amazon.com: 24db Herbicide
Natural Armor Weed and Grass Killer All-Natural Concentrated Formula. Contains No Glyphosate (128 OZ. Gallon) Ranger++Ranger+Pro+Glyphosate++Herbicide++Concentrate++2.5+gal.
Aug 10, 2019 · Page 1 of 13 GROUP 4 HERBICIDE 2,4-DB 200 Broadleaf Herbicide Controls Broadleaf Weeds in Soybeans, Peanuts, Seedling and Established Alfalfa, and Seedling Birdsfoot Trefoil
2,4-DB 200 Herbicide - Do My Own
2,4-DB 200 Herbicide is a specially formulated herbicide that provides preemergent control of certain broadleaf weeds on alfalfa, peanuts, soybeans, birdsfoot trefoil, and other approved crops. It contains the active ingredient 2,4-DB which offers excellent and dependable control on troublesome weeds.
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