PortaSpec® Series X - Cianflone Scientific
PortaSpec® 2501 Series X is capable of performing multi-element sequential analysis in the range of Ti to U and is ideal for measuring coating weights of both chrome and titanium pretreatment. Cianflone’s PortaSpec® 2501 Series X is similar to the Model 2501 XBT.
to the Model 2501 XBT. It contains an adjustable goniometer that allows the user to analyze up to five elements, preset seq. entially one at a time. Its elemental range is from element #22 titanium.
Model 2501X-2 Portaspec for Assay and Bulk Material …
The Portaspec X-ray Spectrograph is a very accurate, lightweight and portable instrument. Its design enables the use of x-ray analysis for such varied applications as on-site assaying and in-plant bulk material identification — without cutting samples.
PortaSpec® X Series X-Ray Spectrograph - Cianflone Scientific
2015年4月25日 · The Model 2501XBT PortaSpec ® is a conventional, wavelength dispersive type x-ray spectrographic system, often called XRF (x-ray fluorescence), and utilizes an x-ray tube as the source of radiation. The X Series version of the familiar Model 2501 PortaSpec is now mostly computer-controlled.
portaspec是理想的离线和在线测厚仪,是美国ASTM金属基层处理涂层测厚检验标准(D5723-95)中唯一推荐仪器。 portaspec可测量铁基锡层、锌层及锰层、锌铁基铬层、铝基氧化铁层、铬层等。 广泛应用于各种金属板材、汽车轮毂、计算机硬盘、硬币、纸张及塑料薄板等领域。 portaspec可快速准确地分析某一元素的含量,给出用户所需的任何数值单位。 是理想的实验室、工厂工艺和质量检测仪器。 通过对某一关键元素的测量与控制,可以有效地控制产品质量。 …
portaspec是理想的离线和在线测厚仪,是美国ASTM金属基层处理涂层测厚检验标准(D5723-95)中唯一推荐仪器。 portaspec可测量铁基锡层、锌层及锰层、锌铁基铬层、铝基氧化铁层、铬层等。 广泛应用于各种金属板材、汽车轮毂、计算机硬盘、硬币、纸张及塑料薄板等领域。 portaspec可快速准确地分析某一元素的含量,给出用户所需的任何数值单位。 是理想的实验室、工厂工艺和质量检测仪器。 通过对某一关键元素的测量与控制,可以有效地控制产品质量。 …
Portaspec 2501X-2型X射线荧光光谱仪 - 分析测试百科网
Portaspec 2501X-2型X射线荧光光谱仪的价格|仪器信息,包含价格、参数、指标、新闻事件、仪器评价、维护使用以及在哪里购买等信息,ViventisX荧光光谱/XRF(波长色散型),Portaspec 是一款功能强大且用途广泛的仪器,可用于现场或作为完整的实验室系统。
X射线荧光光谱仪2501X-2型 - 分析测试百科网
【技术特点】-- X射线荧光光谱仪2501X-2型. 仪器简介: portaspec应用情况: 涂层测厚: portaspec是理想的离线和在线测厚仪,是美国ASTM金属基层处理涂层测厚检验标准(D5723-95)中唯一推荐仪器。 portaspec可测量铁基锡层、锌层及锰层、锌铁基铬层、铝基氧化铁层 ...
供应X射线荧光光谱仪2501X-2,国产进口供应X射线荧光光谱仪2501X-2品牌,供应X射线荧光光谱仪2501X …
2501X-2线荧光光谱仪主要特点: 元素范围Ka: 22-47 (Ti to Ag) 元素范围 La: 56-92 (Ba to U) 1、30 kv Dc恒高电压为X光管供电. 2、12V Dc 低电压为主板供电. 3、X光管外壳。内含X光管、水循环冷却系统、过热开关
Portaspec Series X Multi-Element Sequential Analysis
PortaSpec® 2501 Series X is capable of performing multi-element sequential analysis in the range of Ti to U and is ideal for measuring coating weights of both chrome and titanium pretreatment. Cianflone’s PortaSpec 2501 Series X is similar to the Model 2501 XBT.