Germain Leather Chair 2662L - Bernhardt Furniture Company
Germain Leather Chair 2662L. With sloped arms and thick cushioning, the Germain chair offers luxurious support in a clean, transitional design. Sinuous spring construction and spring down cushions offer unprecedented comfort. Subtle and sophisticated, the stitching highlights the fine quality of the upholstery.
LM2662 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
TI 的 LM2662 是一款 200mA 开关电容器电压转换器。 查找参数、订购和质量信息.
Bernhardt Germain 2662L Chair | Baer's Furniture | Uph
Shop for the Bernhardt Germain 2662L Chair at Baer's Furniture - Your Ft. Lauderdale, Ft. Myers, Orlando, Naples, Miami, Florida, Boca Raton, Palm Beach, Melbourne, Jacksonville, Sarasota Furniture & Mattress Store
高达 32V 的负载电压。有 8 种电流范围,每通道均可编程, 满量程输出高达 300mA。通道可以并联,以便对大电流进行超精密调节,或者合并. 出高达 1.5A 的电流。 每个输出通道. 有一个专用电源引脚。每个通道可以采用 2.85V 至 33V 的电源供电,内部开关允许将任何输. 拉至可选的负电源。 LTC2662 内置一个精密集成式 1.25V 基准电压源(最大值 10ppm/°C),但也可选择. ............................. (V– – 0.3V) 至 (VDDX + 0.3V) 多路�. 用器 ...................... ( 的器件,请联系 …
The LM2662/LM2663 CMOS charge-pump voltage converter inverts a positive voltage in the range of 1.5 V to 5.5 V to the corresponding negative voltage. The LM2662/LM2663 uses two low cost capacitors to provide 200 mA of output current without the cost, size, and EMI related to inductor based converters.
Bernhardt Germain Leather Chair 2662L | Millennium Home Furn...
Bernhardt Germain Leather Chair 2662L | Millennium Home Furn... (1) Fiber Back pillow attached with velcro - box edge weltless with topstitch. (1) Blendown throw pillow - knife edge weltless - 22" x 22" Express Ship: This item is available for expedited shipping as shown. Order as 2662LO. Available without pillows. Order as 2662LY.
Germain Leather Chair Without Pillows 2662LY - bernhardt.com
The core is surrounded by polyfoam and encased in down proof ticking quilted with a blend of duck down, feathers and soft hollow filament polyester fiber. This cushion is designed for a deep ride, high soft crown and excellent recovery. OptionTearSheet: Available in any 700 series non-cerused wood finish.
Bernhardt Living Living Room Germain Leather Chair 2662L
Shop for Bernhardt Living Living Room Germain Leather Chair (SKU:2662L). Living Room Arm Chairs inside Hickory Furniture Mart.
【回力WXY(S)-2662L】回力女鞋小白鞋女百搭潮鞋休闲运动板鞋子 …
商品名称:回力wxy(s)-2662l; 商品编号:100050736202; 货号:2662l03c36; 鞋面材质:复合材质; 鞋跟形状:无跟厚底; 适用季节:春秋,夏季; 鞋帮高度:低帮; 上市时间:2023年秋季; 款式:经典板鞋; 适用人群:青年; 鞋底材质:pvc(聚氯乙烯) 制鞋工艺:注压鞋; 鞋头款式 ...
LTC2662数据手册和产品信息 | Analog Devices
LTC ® 2662 是一个 5 通道、16位电流源数模转换器系列,可提供 5 个高合规性电流源输出,保证在 200mA时的压差为 1V。 该器件支持高达 32V 的负载电压。 有 8 个电流范围,每个通道均可编程,全标度输出高达 300mA;而且通道可并联,以便对大电流进行超精细调节,或者提供高达 1.5A 的组合输出。 为每个输出通道提供了一个专用电源引脚。 每个通道都可以在 2.85V 至 33V 的电压范围内工作,内部开关允许将任何输出拉至可选的负电源。 LTC2662 内置一个精准的集 …