270 AR - AR15.COM
2013年12月19日 · It's designed by Harrison Beene from AR Performance, the guy that fixed the problems with the 6.8SPC that remington messed up. It's an incredible round for an AR15 size gun. In the fall of 2013 we will introduce the 270AR, a .277 caliber cartridge capable of propelling the wide range of great 130gr 270 bullets to 2800fps out of AR15 20" barrels.
270 WSM in an AR - Long Range Hunting Forum
2019年5月8日 · I’m intrigued by the ballistics of the 270 WSM cartridge. Considering an AR build in this caliber. Would love to make this my all-around hunting rifle for coyote, hog, white tail. Anyone with AR experience in this caliber care to share their experience? Thanks in advance!
ar15 .270 conversion - Springfield XD Forum
2008年9月3日 · If you want a .270 caliber in the AR15 look for a 6.8 SPC. It's a fairly new round made for the spec ops guys that wanted something bigger than 5.56/.223. Remington makes ammo for it and many people are making AR's or upper kits for it.
.270 AR? - AR15.COM
2006年6月9日 · The 270 winchester cartridge is too long for ANY AR-10 based rifles. Those 7mm and 300 mags are remington short action ultra mags which are the same loaded length as a 308. You can build an AR-10 in ANY of the 308 based cartridges, so 243, 260, 7-08 and 308.
Anyone tried a 270-08AI in an AR-10? - AR15.COM
2014年11月16日 · The .270 Winchester was originally going to be a 7mm, but in the post-Great War period, manufacturers in the US became averted from using metric dimensions for new calibers in the US market. So the .270 Winchester was chosen, a really odd bore size out of the normal increments compared to popular rifles bores. .257 is the other outlier.
.270 win AR - possible? - Page 1 - AR15.COM
2009年5月7日 · The barrel would have to be chambered for .270 winchester. Also the .270 is used in long actions so it could not fit in a .308 magazine or lower. There are not any AR configurations as far as I know of that will accept a .270. Maybe someone has a .270WSM conversion or something but I have never seen one.
270AR SPR (New AR-15 cartridge coming this fall) - AR15.COM
2013年7月14日 · The 270 AR does make good energy numbers but I assume you posted the HITS up on your chart because it is important. If you notice the Grendel and the 270 go below the 500 HITS mark at the same yardage. So I still fail to see the real advantage. At every 100 yard point they are in the same category.
.270 WSM AR-10... anyone? - AR15.COM
2009年12月2日 · Decided to re-barrel my Savage Model 12 from .223 to .270 WSM. I'll have to change the bolt face too. I got to thinking, I can do this because the .270 WSM works in short actions not unlike the venerable .223 and 308. So why not build a .270 WSM upper for my AR-10 too! Has it been done? If so, what's the up and down sides to doing it?
AR 10 270 WSM - AR15.COM
2019年10月24日 · AR-15 AK-47 Handgun Precision Rifles Armory Training Competitive Shooting General Outdoors Archery Hometown Industry About AR15.COM AR15.COM is the world's largest firearm community and is a gathering place for firearm enthusiasts of all types.
270 WSM in an AR | Page 2 | Long Range Hunting Forum
2019年5月10日 · Armalite AR-10, Bushmaster. Google AR-10 300 WSM, the AR-15 Forum & 68Forum.com both have extensive info on the failings of the WSM Case. It is a bolt action case and not meant for Semi-Automatic rifles. Use a SAUM, they were designed for …