28th Operational Weather Squadron - 557th Weather Wing > …
The 28th Operational Weather Squadron is located at Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina, and is responsible for providing operational-level environmental analysis and forecasts to deter NDS threats, such as the Islamic Republic of Iran and foreign countries operating in the greater Middle East region. Furthermore, they partner with peer 16th ...
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28th Operational Weather Squadron - Wikipedia
The 28th Operational Weather Squadron is responsible for producing and disseminating mission planning and execution weather analyses, forecasts, and briefings for US Air Force, USCENTCOM forces.
Weathering the storm: a tale of two squadrons
2010年2月1日 · As a matter of fact, the 28th OWS is essentially fighting in the war from Team Shaw's backyard. Functioning at the operational level, the squadron serves as the weather hub for all bases within the Air Force Central Command area of responsibility. This area includes all forces fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
28th Operational Weather Squadron Change of Command
2023年8月9日 · U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Beth Janssen, 28th Operational Weather Squadron (OWS) commander, gives her first speech as commander during a change of command ceremony at Shaw Air Force Base, S.C.,...
Outstanding first-term Airmen push 28th OWS to success
2013年7月23日 · Airman 1st Class Luke Ledonne, a weather forecaster with the 28th Operational Weather Squadron, studies global satellite images and tracks weather at the 28th OWS 18 July 13. The 28th OWS tracks and produces weather forecasts for U.S. Air Forces Central Command’s Area of Responsibility.
28th Operational Weather Squadron - 557th Weather Wing > …
The 28th Operational Weather Squadron is located at Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina, and is responsible for providing operational-level environmental analysis and forecasts to deter NDS threats, such as the Islamic Republic of Iran and foreign countries operating in the greater Middle East region. Furthermore, they partner with peer 16th ...
AF history displayed at Shaw weather squadron
2012年4月18日 · Heritage and legacy are the first things people see as they walk into the lobby of the 28th Operational Weather Squadron. Proudly hanging on the walls of the 28th OWS are photos of Airmen throughout history, some official photos, some of Airmen saluting, others of them doing their day-to-day job, defending America's freedom.
Sergeant says, outstanding first-term airmen push 28th OWS to …
2013年7月24日 · SHAW AIR FORCE BASE, S.C. - The mission of the 28th Operational Weather Squadron is to provide weather support for the Middle East and the U.S. Air Force’s Central Command Area of...
28th Operational Weather Squadron welcomes new commander
2021年6月3日 · Lt. Col. Daniel Muggelberg took command of the 28th Operational Weather Squadron during an assumption of command ceremony on June 2, 2021, at Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina. Muggelberg comes to the 28th OWS from the 2d Combat Weather Support Squadron at Hurlburt Field, Florida.