ADN2850数据手册和产品信息 | Analog Devices
ADN2850通过SPI ® 兼容型串行接口进行多功能编程,提供16种工作和调整模式,包括:暂存编程、存储器存储和恢复、递增/递减、±6 dB/步对数抽头调整、游标设置回读、以及用于存储其它器件的存储器数据、查找表或系统识别信息等用户自定义信息的额外EEMEM。 在暂存编程模式下,可以直接将具体设置编程至RDAC寄存器,使其设置W端与B端之间的电阻。 该设置信息可以存储于EEMEM之中,系统加电时会自动恢复至RDAC寄存器。 EEMEM内容可以动态恢复,也可通 …
TP2850 | JLCPCB Assembly | New Arrivals | JLCPCB
TP2850 from JIALICHUANG SMT - New Arrivals is available for JLCPCB assembly, check the stock, pricing and datasheet, and let JLCPCB helps you assemble the part TP2850 for free.
hsms - 2850_检波管 - 豆丁网
2014年7月20日 · Surface Mount Zero BiasSchottky Detector DiodesTechnical DataHSMS-285x SeriesSOT-23/ SOT-143 PackageLead Code Identification(top vie..
Hewlett-Packard’s HSMS-2850 family of zero bias Schottky detector diodes and the HSMS-2860 family of DC biased detector diodes have been designed and optimized for use from 915 MHz to 5.8 GHz. They are ideal for RF/ID and RF Tag applications requiring small and large signal detection, modula-tion, RF to DC conversion or voltage doubling.
P0 marking code, P0 smd code marking, HSMS-2850 to STUP022
Marking of electronic components, SMD Codes P0, P0**. HSMS-2850, HSMS-285B, TP0101T, BB150, BFG505W/XR, ic marking code.
HSMS-285x Series - Avago Technologies - studylib.net
HSMS-285x Series Surface Mount Zero Bias Schottky Detector Diodes Data Sheet Description Features Avago’s HSMS-285x family of zero bias Schottky detector ­diodes has been designed and optim­ized for use in small signal (Pin <-20 dBm) applications at ­frequencies below 1.5 GHz.
LTC2850数据手册和产品信息 | Analog Devices
LTC ® 2850、LTC2851 和 LTC2852 是低功率、20Mbps RS485/ RS422 收发器,采用 3.3V 工作电源。 接收器具有一个 1/8 单位负载以支持每根总线多达 256 个节点 (C、I 等级),并具有一个故障保险功能以在输入浮置或短路的条件下保证高输出状态。 当被停用或电源被拿掉时,驱动器可在整个共模范围内保持高输出阻抗。 通过对所有的输出进行电流限制并利用热停机功能,可避免发生因总线争用或故障所导致的功耗过大情况。 增强型 ESD 保护使得这些器件能够在收发器接口 …
signal (Pin <-20 dBm) applications at frequencies below 1.5 GHz. They are ideal for RF/ID and R. w 4.0 GHz, and the HSMS-286x series at frequencies above 4.0 GHz. The HSMS-285x se.
HSMS-2850-TR1G HSMS-2850-TR1 HSMS-2850 P0* 进口正品价优 …
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适用于PowerEdge 2850的支持 | 说明文件 | Dell 中国
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