UPC2933A Datasheet(PDF) - NEC
The µPC2933A, 2905A of low dropout voltage three terminal positive regulators is constructed with PNP output transistor. The µPC2933A, 2905A feature the ability to source 1 A of output …
The μPC2933A, 2905A of low dropout voltage three terminal positive regulators is constructed with PNP output transistor. The μPC2933A, 2905A feature the ability to source 1 A of output current with a low dropout voltage of typically.
2933A Datasheet, PDF - Alldatasheet
Description: TUNNEL DIODES. 7 Results. Part #: HM2933A. Datasheet: 661Kb/9P. Manufacturer: Shenzhen Huazhimei Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
従来の三端子レギュレータと比べ,IC本体のパワー・ロスを低く抑えることができるため,電源の二次側平滑回路に最適です。 また,従来の低飽和三端子レギュレータ(μPC24xxA シリーズ)にはない3.3 V低電圧出力品をラインアップして,セットの低電圧化・低消費電力化に対応しました。 注1. 2 番ピンは4 番フィンと共通のGNDです。 2. 2 番ピンは切断されています。 4 番フィンと共通のGNDです。 本文欄外の★印は,本版で改訂された主な箇所を示しています。 この"★" …
The μPC2933A, 2905A of low dropout voltage three terminal positive regulators is constructed with PNP output transistor. The μPC2933A, 2905A feature the ability to source 1 A of output current with a low dropout voltage of typically.
TLC2933A data sheet, product information and support | TI.com
TI’s TLC2933A is a Phase-locked loop. Find parameters, ordering and quality information.
2933A NEC Transistors - Veswin Electronics
The 2933A electronic component is brought into production by NEC, included in Transistors. Each device is available in a small TO-252 package and specified over the extended temperature range of -40°C to 105°C (TA).
- 评论数: 1
UPC2933A datasheet - Three-terminal LOW Dropout Voltage …
The µPC2933A, 2905A feature the ability to source A of output current with a low dropout voltage of typically 0.7 V. The power dissipation of the µPC2933A, 2905A can be drastically reduced compared with the conventional three terminal positive voltage regulators that is constructed with NPN output transistor.
2933A NEC Discrete Semiconductors - Jotrin Electronics
The 2933A parts manufactured by NEC are available for purchase at Jotrin Electronics. Here you can find various types and values of electronic parts from the world's leading manufacturers. The 2933A components of Jotrin Electronics are carefully chosen, undergo stringent quality control, and are successfully meet all required standards.
- 评论数: 1
2933A Datasheet, PDF - Datasheet Search Engine
Description: 30 MHz End of Passband < 3 dB. 62 Results. Part #: 29330. Datasheet: 18Kb/1P. Manufacturer: SCHOTT CORPORATION.