BAP1 promotes the repair of UV-induced DNA damage via PARP1 …
2022年5月30日 · We set out to investigate whether BAP1 functions in the repair of UV-induced DNA damage. BAP1 depletion rendered 293T cells hypersensitive to UV-C light (254 nm, hereafter denoted UV) (Fig....
Genetic and physical interactions between Polη and Rev1 in
2021年11月1日 · For quantitative analysis of UV-induced RPA2 focus formation, the 293T or POLH-1 cells transfected with corresponding plasmids were treated with UV. Images were taken with the same exposure...
Activation of TAK1 by Sef-S induces apoptosis in 293T cells
2013年10月1日 · 293T cells were transiently transfected with Sef-S or (and) TAK1 expression plasmids. 48 h after transfection, the cells were washed with PBS and stained with PI and FITC. Apoptosis was quantified by calculating the percentage of fluorescence-positive cells as determined by flow cytometry.
PIDD orchestrates translesion DNA synthesis in response to UV ...
2011年3月18日 · We report that PIDD modulates p21-PCNA dissociation, and promotes PCNA monoubiquitination and interaction with pol η in response to UV irradiation. Furthermore, PIDD deficiency leads to a defect...
293T - CRL-3216 | ATCC
The 293T cell line, originally referred as 293tsA1609neo, is a highly transfectable derivative of human embryonic kidney 293 cells, and contains the SV40 T-antigen. This cell line is competent to replicate vectors carrying the SV40 region of replication. It gives high titers when used to produce retroviruses.
293、293T、293FT 、293A的区别和培养攻略 - BIOON
2022年5月20日 · HEK-293FT人胚肾细胞:该细胞稳定表达SV40大T抗原,并且促进最适病毒产物的产生。 293FT细胞能制造高滴度的慢病毒。 293A人胚肾细胞:细胞来源于人肾纤维母细胞,组成性表达 E1A 和 E1B 蛋白。 从背景知识我们应该知道怎么选择所需求的细胞了吧! 形态 293T 人胚 …
HEK 293T细胞使用经验(转染、包病毒等) - 知乎专栏
HEK 293T细胞是我们许多科研小伙伴的入门细胞,也常被称作 “工具细胞”,实验中常使用它来进行,慢病毒包装生产及滴度测定,细胞转染,条件培养基制作,蛋白表达验证等试验。
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人胚肾细胞 293T 说明
目录号:SCSP-502 效率的衍生株称为293T。该细胞最初的名字是293tsA1609neo,携带SV40 复制序列,被广泛用于逆转录病毒生产、 物种: 人,胎儿 组织:胚肾 细胞来源:2019年新引进 生物安全等级:BSL-2
中国科学院典型培养物保藏委员会细胞库/中国科学院上海生命科学 …
人胚肾细胞293细胞插入SV40 T-抗原基因后产生的高转染效率的衍生株称为293T。 该细胞最初的名字是293tsA1609neo,携带SV40复制序列,被广泛用于逆转录病毒生产、基因表达和蛋白表达。 培养条件:气相:空气95%,二氧化碳5%;温度:37摄氏度。 细胞运输方式:活细胞保温运输或冻存管干冰运输。 1. 该细胞贴壁能力较弱,培养时可酌情使用预铺0.2%明胶的培养瓶/培养皿。 也可使用Corning的cellbind细胞培养瓶,货号是3289 。 2. 细胞生长不能过密,过密后细胞容易 …
Conserved intronic secondary structures with concealed branch …
2024年3月18日 · Using the cross-linker CL-1000 (UVP), UV irradiation to 293T and HaCaT cells was carried out under 254 nm light for 10 J/m 2 for detection of γ-H2AX signals (47) and 30 J/m 2 for a comet assay.