人工智能推荐的2a3单端电路 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论 …
2025年1月31日 · 以下是一个经典的 **2A3单端(Single-Ended, Class A)电子管功放电路图**,采用自给偏压设计,适合DIY制作。 电路结构简单,音色温暖,适合推动高灵敏度音箱。
管機DIY-2A3 SE - Mobile01
2015年10月25日 · 對岸有網兄針對6J7一級推300B(還是2A3)有做量測,高頻在10KHz前後就開始"滾降"了,-3dB 好像在20KHz出頭。 也許這在當年很夠用了吧,這個測試可以google的到。
Developing a 2A3 SET - diyAudio
2022年8月11日 · I've started developing a 2A3 SET amp by trying different published circuits, and will use this thread to record information for those who come after and foster discussion for those currently interested.
跨年制作--2A3单端 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛
2024年12月12日 · 近日,我被Jupeter版主发布的2A3线路图深深吸引。 他巧妙地采用了6N8P电子管进行两级推动,这一设计正中我下怀。 在我即将开启的新设计中,我将借鉴这一思路,将复古与现代技术完美融合。
2A3 SE Amplifier - Audiophile Diyer
2019年1月19日 · I received a request from a friend who want a 2A3 SE amplifier. Here’s the 2A3 I build for him. I used 6E6P as driver stage. The 6E6P are long life military tube which is very linear when connected in triode mode, Rp are around 1.2K , suitable for use as driver stage. The gain are around 25+ when using plate choke as a load.
The 2A3 Tube Amplifier - diyAudio
2023年3月15日 · The 2a3 deserves a DHT driver stage to make it sing. Choice of e.g. 2P29L, 4P1L, 26, 112A, 10Y all in filament bias. 2P29L the easiest to build with Rod Coleman filament regs. You will need a 1:4 step-up transformer on the input and I use a Hammond studio series 1140-LN-C. Very happy with this - my own amp has a 10Y input stage.
DIY 2A3 Amplifier
DIY 2A3 amplifier that outputs 3W with warm and sweet vocals to drive your loudspeakers!
Loftin-White 2A3 Single-Ended Triode Tube Amplifier Schematic
2008年12月8日 · This very simple and elegant little triode amplifier is the Loftin-White Single-Ended 2A3 Tube Amplifier. The direct-coupled (no coupling capacitors) two stage circuit was designed as a laboratory amplifier in 1929 by the team of E.H. Loftin and S.Y.
2A3 Single-Ended Triode (SET) Amp Schematic - DIY AUDIO …
2008年2月14日 · This 2A3 Single-Ended Triode (SET) Tube Amplifier uses a EF86 input stage and a solid state power supply. The schematic is from the book "Build our own Audio Valve Amplifiers by Rainer zur Linde. Last update 6 September 2014. Created 14 February 2008. © diyAudioProjects.com - -
DIY 2A3 Tube Amplifiers | DIY Audio Projects - StereoNET …
2021年12月26日 · Are there a good and yet simple 2A3 SET tube amplifier that can be built by novice DIYers? I can only found a couple of candidates below; + Bottlehead Stereomour II. + Elekit TU 8900. Elekit seem great option but I personally prefer Point to …