[SPOILERS] How to learn more about 2B's real designation?
2019年2月14日 · During the final dialogue between A2 and 9S we learn that 2B's real designation was 2E. From "Amnesia" side quest we know that "E" stands for "Execution". In this scene …
YoRHa No.2 Type B | NIER Wiki | Fandom
YoRHa No.2 Type B, or just 2B, is one of the protagonists of NieR:Automata. She is a YoRHa android created to battle the Machine lifeforms that have invaded the planet on behalf of the …
[Ending spoilers] Question about 2B's designation/name
2017年3月13日 · Actually, it's implied that 9S knew about 2B being assigned to kill him throughout the whole game. A2 directly tells him that he knew, at the end, and even before that when he …
尼尔机械纪元2b和2e,9S,A2到底是什么关系 - 搜狗问问
2017年7月20日 · 2b与2e的关系: 2b的真实身份是2E,在支线任务“健忘症”中,剧情说明了E型尤尔哈智能机械人的存在,E指的是Executioner,用于监视并处决逃兵,背叛者,以及了解了尤 …
.:2B or not to [B]e:. [SPOILERS] :: NieR:Automata™ General Discussions
2017年4月23日 · 2B series starts off as droids completely designed for battlefield-close ranged combat, with their ability to kill other YoRHa units restricted. Unlike the 2E series, which are …
At which point in the game 9S learned the truth about 2E?
2017年12月25日 · It is most likely that 9S figures out that 2B is there to monitor him during Route A/B, it isn’t until the Amnesia sidequest that he learns E types even exist. It is some time after …
9S是非常聪明的机体,他一早就猜到了2B是来杀死他的。 2B接到命令后一直犹豫,她想找一个能瞬间杀死9S的方法,让他不需要经历痛苦和恐惧。
有几个关于尼尔机械纪元的问题一直搞不懂:-)? - 知乎
2022年1月4日 · 1.2B其实是2E,任务是监管9S,在他发现寄叶部队真相时通过司令的命令杀掉9S。 但是为啥要这么折腾呀,如果…
When did 9S know (spoiler) - NieR: Automata - GameFAQs
When did 9S know that 2B is 2E? During the final battle A2 mentioned "but you already knew that... right, 9S?" but when? I can't remember. I'm pretty sure it happens after the ending B …
2B | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
YoRHa No.2 Type-B, generally known simply as 2B, is the main protagonist of the video game NieR: Automata as well in the anime adaptation NieR: Automata Ver1.1a. She is the main …