2D HSQC Experiment - Northwestern University
The 2D HSQC (Heteronuclear Single-Quantum Correlation) experiment permits to obtain a 2D heteronuclear chemical shift correlation map between directly-bonded 1H and X-heteronuclei (commonly, 13C and 15N) .
有机化合物核磁共振(NMR)谱图解析 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
一维氢谱和碳谱描述了单个原子信息,2D NMR中的1H-1H COSY和HSQC,组合了相近原子间的信息,通过以上方式,我们仅知道分子的片段信息,只有再把片段与片段信息组合起来,我们才可知道整个分子的信息。 HMBC谱可联系相隔2~3个共价键的氢核和碳核,如-CHa-CHb-,Ha的谱峰位置可对应Hb的碳。 这里,相隔2个共价键的氢核-碳核点信号通常比相隔3个共价键的氢核-碳核响应会强些。 像-CHa-CO-CHb-片段,尽管中间被羰基C=O隔断,通过HMBC谱,Ha与Hb上的 …
关于核磁共振波谱NMR,你想知道的都在这里 - 知乎
HSQC(heteronuclear singular quantum correlation, 异核单量子关系):隶属于NMR(核磁共振)C-H COSY 谱图中的一种,HSQC给出的信息与HMQC一样,都是直接相连的碳氢关系1JC-H,而不能解决碳与季碳相连的问题,或隔碳相连的问题。
Heteronuclear single quantum coherence spectroscopy - Wikipedia
The heteronuclear single quantum coherence or heteronuclear single quantum correlation experiment, normally abbreviated as HSQC, is used frequently in NMR spectroscopy of organic molecules and is of particular significance in the field of protein NMR.
多糖结构解析之核磁二维HSQC谱图 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
多糖的结构解析中, hsqc二维核磁 是开展 糖苷键 连接确认的基础谱图。从有机物的hsqc解谱而言,代表的相连接的c-h相关,比如乙醇ch3-ch2-oh,其hsqc谱图中,甲基的质子和甲基碳有相交叉的信号,而亚甲基质子和亚甲基碳相交信号,继而确定归属。
2D HSQC-NOESY Experiment - imserc.northwestern.edu
The 2D HSQC-NOESY experiment is an hybrid inverse experiment consisting of an initial HSQC pulse train followed by a NOESY building block. In the first step, magnetization is transferred from the X nucleus (13C or 15N) to the directly-bonded proton nuclei via 1 J(CH).
2D HSQC - NMR Wiki
2010年7月2日 · 2D HSQC (Heteronuclear Single Quantum Coherence) experiment correlates chemical shifts of directly bound nuclei (i.e. two types of chemical nuclei). For example 1 H, 15 N-HSQC correlates chemical shifts within NH groups. For similar correlations over multiple bonds 2D HMBC experiment can be used.
ge-2D HSQC Experiment - Northwestern University
The ge-2D HSQC experiment is the gradient-enhanced version of the conventional 2D HSQC experiment in which coherence selection is achieved by means of PFG. Thus, clean 2D HSQC spectra can be recorded in a single scan per t 1 increment without need for phase cycle when sample concentration is high.
主题:HSQC和HMQC得区别及应用讨论 - 仪器信息网
2008年9月1日 · HMQC and HSQC – 2d Heteronuclear Spectroscopy (“inverse” experiment with 1H detection) Two sequences for measuring 1H-X chemical shift correlations, gHSQC and gHMQC are very similar, and both will work fine for most organic compounds. • HSQC will give sharper lines, especially for –CH2– since 1H–1H homonuclear coupling in the F1
7) Common 2D (COSY, HSQC, HMBC) | SDSU NMR Facility – …
Gained Information: The Heteronuclear Single Quantum Correlation (HSQC) NMR experiment is a proton-detected 2D experiment that shows you 1H / 13C one-bond connectivity. You will see your 1H spectrum as your direct F2 axis and your 13C spectrum as your indirect F1 axis.