Tube 2E22 in triode mode - diyAudio
2012年12月2日 · I have a plan of building 2E22 SE ampli. Could anyone give me specs and plate curves of this tube in triode mode. Thank you and regards,
DHT SE amp with ultrapath - diyAudio
2013年1月3日 · I did build 2E22 SE amp with AC filament (because I like AC for filament 🙂). Sound is so sweet and warm. Hum is > 13mVac, so I can hear them at my chair. I intend to take an …
看到的2E22、2E24单端(标准接法) - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收 …
2021年6月15日 · 我仔细查了2e22与2e24均是五极管,2e30才是束射管。 两个电路有差别,栅极与帘栅之间,一个接稳压二极管,一个接电解电容;其交、直流情形会有不同。
2E22, Tube 2E22; Röhre 2E22 ID10538, Transmitting Tube, Pent ...
Tube 2E22 or Röhre 2E22 ID10538, Transmitting Tube, Pentode, air cooled, UY-Base, 5 Pins (USA, April 1927) and Power/Output shown. Radio tubes are
HIFIDIY论坛-J版2E22制作 - Powered by Discuz!
目前音质不如我做的fu-50推挽,不过2e22中高频段的表现,确实值得挖掘。 目前校音工作还在继续进行。 感觉整个电路增益太大,电位器在10点钟位置已经开始过载。 屏至屏反馈不接的 …
RH Amplifiers: April 2014
The 2E22 is a 30W dissipation pentode, but output power remains basically the same as the other pentodes/beam tetrodes mentioned, since the output power is limited by the voltage across …
2E22 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The 2E22 is a directly heater pentode for RF power applications. It looks similar to the indirectly heated 807 but operates at higher voltages and produces more power. The ceramic insulators …
PP 2E22 amp rebirth - diyAudio
2024年3月28日 · I found a 2E22 model in the Spice Model thread, I have no idea how good is. Then I changed the voltage dropping resistors, to get the right DC values and take into …
TDSL Tube data [2E22] - Duncanamps
Warning: Substitutes are given as a guide only - please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your application.
[心得] 2E22真空管擴大機心得分享- 看板 Audiophile - Mo PTT 鄉 …
2024年12月17日 · 2E22,直熱五級管,有些人會稱其為五級管版本的300B。 聲音上也確實蠻貼近300B的音色,擁有較為濃厚的中頻,偏寬鬆的音色還有一個比起哪怕是現代300B都比不上的 …
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