AFSC 2E2X1 CAREER FIELD EDUCATION AND TRAINING PLAN PART I Preface 1. Resource constraints in the Air Force are impacting the availability of our most valuable resource--people. This condition, which will continue to exist in the future, makes it essential for the work force to
MOS 2E2X1 US Air Force Electronic Computer and Switching …
2e2x1 mos Job Detail Deploys, sustains, troubleshoots and repairs standard voice, data, video network and cryptographic client devices in fixed and deployed environments.
Electronic Computer and Switching Systems, AFSC 2E2X1. This report presents the results of an Air Force Occupational Survey of the Electronic Computer and Switching Systems career ladder. Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) 2E2X1. Authority for conducting occupational surveys is contained in AFI 36-2623.
Defense Technical Information Center - DTIC
Personnel entering the AFSC 2E2X1 career ladder must attend the Electronic Computer and Switching Systems Apprentice course at Keesler AFB MS lasting 67 academic days. Upon completion of this course, the graduate is awarded the 3-skill level.
Computer, Network, Switching and Cryptographic Systems (AFSC 2E2X1 …
By learning to understand this document and how it applies to training programs, you will find it to be a valuable source of information. Computer, Network, Switching and Cryptographic Systems...
2E2X1 - Network Infrastructure Systems - Military Yearbook Project
2E2X1 - Network Infrastructure Systems Specialty Summary. Deploys, sustains troubleshoots and repairs voice, data and video network infrastructure and cryptographic equipment in a fixed and deployed environment.
There is still a distinction between tiie former 2E2X1 personnel and the former 2E3X1 personnel, which is expected after a recent merger of two career fields. 3.
Electronic Computer and Switching Systems, AFSC 2E2X1
Electronic Computer and Switching Systems personnel install electronic computer and switching systems and missile control communications; assemble, connect, and interwire components of data...
USAF - The Military Yearbook Project
2E2X1 - Network Infrastructure Systems Specialty Summary. Deploys, sustains troubleshoots and repairs voice, data and video network infrastructure and cryptographic equipment in a fixed and deployed environment.
Electronic Computer and Switching Systems, AFSC 2E2X1 …
1998年1月1日 · Electronic Computer and Switching Systems, AFSC 2E2X1 [AIR EDUCATION AND TRAINING COMMAND RANDOLPH AFB TX] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Electronic Computer and Switching Systems, AFSC 2E2X1