Get verification codes with Google Authenticator
To organize your Authenticator codes, touch and hold any code, then drag to reorder to a desired location. You can also use the search bar to find the code you need. To search through your Google Authenticator codes, enter any text matching the username to find the code.
Obtener códigos de verificación con Google Authenticator
La aplicación Google Authenticator puede generar códigos de verificación única para los sitios y las aplicaciones que admitan la verificación en dos pasos de la aplicación Authenticator. Si configura
Turn on 2-Step Verification - Computer - Google Account Help
When you don't have an internet connection or mobile service, you can set up Google Authenticator or another app that creates one-time verification codes. To help verify it's you, enter the verification code on the sign-in screen.
Bestätigungscodes mit Google Authenticator abrufen
Wenn Sie die 2‑Faktor-Authentifizierung eingerichtet haben, können Sie mit der Google Authenticator App Codes erstellen, um sich in Ihrem Google-Konto anzumelden. Dies funktioniert auch ohne Internetverbindung bzw. ohne mobile Datenverbindung.
Verificatiecodes krijgen met Google Authenticator
Als je verificatie in 2 stappen hebt ingesteld, kun je de Google Authenticator-app gebruiken om codes te maken waarmee je kunt inloggen op je Google-account. Je kunt ook zonder internetverbinding of mobiele service codes maken. Meer informatie over verificatie in 2 stappen. Je Google Authenticator-codes gesynchroniseerd houden op al je apparaten
Obtenir des codes de validation avec Google Authenticator
L'application Google Authenticator peut générer des codes de validation uniques pour les sites et applications compatibles avec la validation en deux étapes via Authenticator. Si vous avez configuré
Verificatie in 2 stappen aanzetten - Computer - Google Help
Voer de code in op het inlogscherm om te bevestigen dat jij het bent. Tip: Hoewel elke vorm van verificatie in 2 stappen de accountbeveiliging verbetert, kunnen verificatiecodes via tekstberichten of telefoontjes kwetsbaar zijn voor op telefoonnummers gebaseerde hacks.
Recover an account protected by 2-Step Verification
If you need to recover an account, use backup codes. Accounts are still protected by 2SV, and backup codes are easy to generate. If you move users into a configuration group or change their organizational unit and 2SV isn’t required, their accounts are no longer protected by 2SV.
Receber códigos de verificação com o Google Authenticator
Leia o QR code criado no dispositivo antigo. Depois de ler o QR code, você vai receber a confirmação de que os códigos do Authenticator foram transferidos. Usar o Authenticator com várias Contas do Google
Fix common issues with 2-Step Verification - Google Help
If you lost your backup codes, you can revoke them and get new ones. Go to the 2-Step Verification section of your Google Account. Select Show codes. Select Get new codes. You didn't get a verification code. You might have been sent a Google prompt instead. Learn why we recommend Google prompts instead of text message (SMS) verification codes.