2Fort - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
2Fort 是第一张官方夺旗模式地图,同时也是《军团要塞2》游戏发行时的六张初始地图之一。 两座类似的要塞相对矗立,且被一条 受污染 的 深水 运河隔开。
2Fort - Wikipedia
"2Fort" (also known by its file name "ctf_2fort") is a multiplayer map playable in the first-person shooter games Quake Team Fortress, Team Fortress Classic, Team Fortress 2, and in the …
2Fort - Sandbox Wiki
2007年10月10日 · 2Fort is an almost perfectly symmetrical map, with each team's intelligence located in an underground fortress beneath the two buildings. The design allows players to …
2Fort | Open Fortress Wiki | Fandom
2Fort is a Deathmatch map and subsequent remake of the Team Fortress 2 map of the same name; these maps are both based on the Team Fortress Classic map of the same name, itself …
2Fort(经典) - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
2Fort 是一张在《军团要塞:经典》中的 夺旗 地图。 它是《军团要塞:经典》中最著名且最受欢迎的地图之一。 进入敌方基地并前往旗帜室,夺取敌方队伍旗帜并将其带回至己方基地,将其 …
2Fort/雙堡壘 - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
2Fort(直譯為兩個堡壘),是個搶奪情報箱模式的地圖,同時也是絕地要塞經典版同名地圖的重製版。 2Fort 在《 絕地要塞 2 》是第一個被列入的官方 搶奪情報箱 模式的地圖。
2Fort - NamuWiki
2025年1月28日 · As the name is 2 Fort (two fortresses), it is a map in which the two camps confront each other with the prices in between. As soon as you go out of the door, both teams …
2Fort - TF2 Classic Wiki - Team Fortress Classic
2Fort is a symmetrical Capture the Flag map. The map takes place on a contested plot of farmland, and consists of the titular two forts - one owned by each team, facing each other, …
Question for anyone willing to answer; Is 2Fort overrated?
2024年11月16日 · 2Fort is a map everyone should get familiar with. Pros and newbies alike tend to get serious practice hours on it. Its got multiple routes, battlemenents, water (in case you …
2fort | Team Fortress Wiki - Fandom
2fort is a set in a secret base within a hydroelectric dam situation in a deep canyon. The time of day is dusk, giving everything outside the bases a purple glow to contrast with the orange …