(PDF) The 2S35 Koalitsiya-SV, Robotics and the Future of Russian ...
PDF | On Jan 1, 2024, Lester W. Grau and others published The 2S35 Koalitsiya-SV, Robotics and the Future of Russian Artillery Modernization | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ...
Given Russia’s strong interest in artillery and robotics, it is no surprise that it has integrated robotic technology into its newest premier artillery platform— the 2S35 Koalitsiya-SV—by way of an auto-loading, uncrewed turret and remote-controlled external weapons module. The Soviet T-62 was the last Russian tank to have a four-person crew.
2S35 Koalitsiya | PDF | Armoured Fighting Vehicles | Combat
The 2S35 Koalitsiya-SV (Russian: 2С35 «Коалиция-СВ», lit. '"Coalition-SV"') is a Russian self-propelled gun first seen in public (initially with its turret covered) in 2015 during rehearsals for the Moscow Victory Day Parade. The 2S35 is expected to supplement and eventually replace the 2S19 Msta in the Russian Ground Forces.[2]
2S35 Koalitsiya-SV - Wikipedia
The 2S35 Koalitsiya-SV (Russian: 2С35 «Коалиция-СВ», lit. '"Coalition-SV"') is a Russian self-propelled gun first seen in public (initially with its turret covered) in 2015 during rehearsals for the Moscow Victory Day Parade. The 2S35 is expected to supplement and eventually replace the 2S19 Msta in the Russian Ground Forces. [3]
capabilities of Russia’s 2S35 Koalitsiya-SV self-propelled howitzer. TsNII Burevestnik is Russia’s primary artillery design bureau, responsible for designing the Koalitsiya-SV. Of particular interest is the 2S35’s ability to fire several projectiles in rapid succession and, by …
2S35自走炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2s35採用了全新的模組化弹药体系、火炮结构(炮闸结构、装弹结构),導致與任何一种老式火炮,包括2S43和2S19M2,全部无法兼容,发射不了大部分老式弹药,只有俄联邦时代为2S19M全新研发的红土地-M2和红土地-D能够兼容,老式火炮也无法发射2S35全新模組化弹药体系下的炮弹。 如果要全面換裝2S35,俄軍需要另外一套弹药体系、生产线事專門生產新標準弹药。 ^ 烏俄戰車中損失的俄軍車輛圖輯 (不斷更新). 尖端科技 軍事資料庫. [2023-07-15]. (原始内容 存档 …
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The 2S35 Koalitsiya-SV is a self-propelled howitzer designed and manufactured in Russia by Ural Vagon Zavod (UVZ) to provide the Russian Ground Troops with its next generation of field...
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The 2S35-1 Koalitsiya-SV KSh is a new Russian 152mm Self-Propelled Howitzer. Developed by JSC Central Research Institute Burevestnik, the 2S35-1 Koalitsiya-SV KSh is mounted on an 8x8...
如何评价2S35自行榴弹炮(俄罗斯研制的自行榴弹炮)? - 知乎
2S35型自行火炮在俄军自行火炮、乃至全世界主要军事强国的军级压制炮兵上,采用了先进的无人战斗室设计,全车从前到后分为驾驶舱、战斗室和动力舱。 全炮仅需要的三名乘员均集中在驾驶舱内,从左到右分别为车长、驾驶员和炮长战斗位置,驾驶舱进行了整体防护和三防设计。 战斗室则安装有全套火炮、炮闩和自动装弹设备,火炮的装填、开闩和复装等,全部由电液机械设备自动完成,极大地提高了火炮的战斗射速,其自动化性能在各主要军事强国装备的大口径自行火炮中 …
俄罗斯装备志——2S35联盟SV自行榴弹炮 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2S35联盟-SV自行榴弹炮,为取代并集成老式的 2S19自行榴弹炮 而研制的。 算是俄罗斯陆军大炮沙文主义的继承之作,这型火炮在自动化,火力,机动性和造价这些方面都远强于老式的苏联火炮。 2S35联盟-SV自行榴弹炮基础参数主炮口径155mm,主炮倍径52倍径,装弹量70,自重55吨,最大射程70km,乘员3人,最大公路机动速度60km/h,最大续航距离500km,还有1挺12.7毫米机枪和12具烟幕弹发射装置。 2S35联盟-SV自行榴弹炮底盘采用T-90主战坦克的底盘,战斗 …