NCW世界观——2S37-152-2自行火炮 - 哔哩哔哩
2024年9月17日 · 2056年,由于北极圈内的作战需求,军方需要一款能够在北极圈内作战的自行火炮,而稍加改进的2S37-152-2无疑是最佳选择。 这款改型在炮塔后部增加了一台APU,可为车内提供额外的暖气与电力供应,同时车辆增宽了履带,以便更好地在冰雪环境下行军。 同时涂装更换为了新的低可视度涂装,该涂装在一定程度下可抑制热信号。
2S38 | War Thunder Wiki
Built on the BMP-3 platform, the 2S38 was an attempt to transform the platform into a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun with a 57 mm autocannon and a tracking system capable of fighting low-flying aircraft.
2S37 PNP Transistor Specification & Datasheet - uxpython.com
The 2S37 is a bipolar junction transistor (BJT) with an PNP-type configuration. That means the 2S37 transistor has a negatively charged layer between two positively charged layers. This transistor has three terminals Base, Collector, and Emitter. The 2S37 transistor symbol shows an arrow from the emitter into the base.
Russian Airborne Forces - Wikipedia
The Russian Airborne Forces (Russian: Воздушно-десантные войска России, ВДВ, romanized: Vozdushno- desantnye voyska Rossii, VDV) is the airborne separate combat arm of the Russian Armed Forces.
2S37 Datasheet and Replacement - All Transistors
2S37 Transistor Datasheet pdf, 2S37 Equivalent. Parameters and Characteristics.
NCW世界观下北联部队编制1 - 哔哩哔哩
2024年7月29日 · 这一期是北联本土的作战部队,海外编制以后随缘发. 豪坎. 第9近卫坦克师 (例子) 1)第7近卫坦克团 90辆AGTM4M, 43辆AGTM6M, 4辆2S6UM, 18辆2S37. 2)第5近卫坦克团 90辆AGTM4M, 43辆AGTM6M, 4辆2S6UM, 18辆2S37. 3)第21近卫坦克团 90辆AGTM4M, 43辆AGTM6M, 4辆2S6UM, 18辆2S37. 4)第247近卫摩托化步兵团:150辆BMP5M 40辆AGTM4M, 4辆2S6UM, 18辆2S37, 9辆BTR-90C. 5)第12近卫自行火炮团 :48辆2S10-203, 18辆2S37. …
2S7 Pion - Wikipedia
The 2S7 Pion ("peony") or 2S7M Malka is a Soviet self-propelled 203 mm cannon. "2S7" is its GRAU designation. More than 250 units were built; some sources say 500, [1] others up to 1,000. [4] . They were distributed around the former Soviet states …
BMD-4 - Wikipedia
The 2A70 rifled cannon is capable of firing high explosive fragmentation rounds and laser-guided anti-tank missiles. It also features secondary weapons designed to engage and destroy enemy infantry and armored fighting vehicles.
2S37, Tube 2S37; Röhre 2S37 ID38674, Transistor - Radiomuseum
Tube 2S37 or Röhre 2S37 ID38674, Transistor, Wires and Power/Output shown. Radio tubes are valves.
2S35自行榴弹炮 - 百度百科
联盟-SV 自行榴弹炮 (俄文:2С35 «Коалиция-СВ»,英文:2S35 "Koalitsiya-SV",中文:2S35 "联盟-SV")是俄罗斯研制的自行榴弹炮。 联盟-SV自行榴弹炮 是为取代并集成老式的 2S19自行榴弹炮 而研制的。 [1] 在2015年5月9日俄罗斯纪念卫国战争胜利70周年的阅兵式上公开亮相。 [2] 2006年, 联盟-SV自行榴弹炮 的设计理念被提出。 2011年,俄罗斯首次展示了联盟-SV自行榴弹炮的样车,但当时该车使用的还是2S19自行火炮的车体,在外形上最引人瞩目的是两个152毫 …